
Yeah, I love Bioware games, even if they are flawed. I think game discussion is based on trends. ie. People say all Obsidian games are buggy because that is the "truism" regardless of whether it is actually accurate. The same goes for Bioware, since EA bought Bioware, it has become trendy to hate on Bioware. ME2 got

Too easy, couldn't resist.

Delay is probably because Ubi is porting the game to next-gen, like their other titles. Just my guess. Ubi bought that game, they want to get as much out of it as they can. Wouldn't be surprised to see it delayed to spring 2014 though.

Release a full Pokemon game on WiiU, maybe even make it a WiiU-exclusive MMO.

Hmm, I lived in Montreal for about a year without any french. I am not sure which limitations you are referring to, as I was able to get around very successfully speaking english. French can't hurt and certainly would help, but I don't think it is really required to do much.

And I wouldn't blame her. Every interview or article about her always has the inevitable "oh my god shes a gamer??!" " but she's so hot" blahhh. Nevermind the fact that she is one of the most accomplished professionals at Ubisoft and in the industry in general. Nevermind her years of experience and expertise, look at

So EA took a risk on what was a niche market in the US and ended up being rewarded for it. Boo, evil EA, booo, stop taking risks on niche markets. Am I doing it right?

Absolutely. GTA4 multiplayer and RDR multiplayer is/was full of people who will just attack every other person they cross paths with. Its not necessarily bad, but it is pretty disruptive if you are trying to do something else. This even goes for private groups and friends, I've had friends continue to attack me

Came here to recommend the Razer Sphex mouse pad. I am currently using it and I love it. The Sphex is literally paper thin, with an adhesive back. For me, it is a great ergonomic solution. The surface is solid and easy to glide across (using G9x mouse). Great for gaming, I have spent hundreds of hours gaming on mine

man, I remember glitching out those games in that cave. Oh boy, do I miss being a 10 year old with all 151 pokemon.

Glad to hear this has been resolved, I am hoping to see BG2EE soon!

To be fair, lots of devs, PR and community officials lie through their teeth to customers/fans every day. As a long-time forum member of numerous game forums, I have seen multiple first-hand examples of devs completely, outright lying about leaks or secrets that turn out to be true.

Yeah, I have also been looking for a post to express my displeasure in. I am really sick of Gawker doing this redesign thing every 3-6 months. Especially when I actually liked the last design.

Oh, that certainly changes things. Well, I like what Arkane did with Dishonored, so if they are working on Prey 2, I'll be interested to see what they come up with. Thanks for the info Jason.

Restarting the project with Arkane doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Beth has already said that Dishonored will have a sequel or continuation of the series, and I don't think Arkane is large enough to develop two titles simultaneously. Furthermore, the idea of scrapping the entire game of Prey 2 and restarting it

Nomination - Logitech G9x. I love this mouse. It feels great in the palm of my hand and the scroll wheel is genuinely fun to flick and scroll. Great for gaming or just everyday use. It comes with 2 modular grips that you can switch between, as well as weights that you can add or remove. Highly recommended.

I grew up with Ultima, heard about this game and passed on it. But this article has inspired me to check it out. I initially dismissed it as merely another f2p resource sim where you have to pay to scratch your nose, but maybe this is actually a real game.

I just finished SR3 main story arc and clocked in at 10 hours. It is pretty short and easy. I didn't expect to like the game so much, but aside from the "zany" fun the series is known for, as Tina says, I found the characters in SR3 to be more likeable than the previous games. Tina's mention of these characters

This game is great, the only problem is finding a team of people who know what they are doing. Not to be "snobby" about it, but so many people engage in combat in literally the first 30-60 seconds. It drives me nuts. I think a lot of people go into this game wanting and looking for a shooter, with little regard for

PC to Android mobile phone. Game library is something like 100 to 10 respectively, and useage is something like daily to almost never respectively. I haven't gotten into mobile gaming since Metal Gear Ac!d on the PSP. I would love to see a new sequel for that series on Android.