
Yeah, I have a semi-political gamertag and I get a lot of shit for it, just because it is political. I can see this being a problem for me (if I were to continue using the Xbox platform).

Yeah, I expect it will be a few years, but as long as the prices on SSDs keep dropping at the rate they have been for the past few years, they will be super cheap in no time. Being able to swap in a new SSD is one of my favorite features of the PS4.


No, you wouldn't. If Anita were a male you would still be expected to criticize her with respect and civility. I am not sure where you get this chest-thumping idea that men are assholes and "get" to behave like assholes. That may be how you perceive society and gender, but I assure you, that is not a perspective that

Yeah, thankfully they stopped the nonsense with using the Bioware brand as an entire label at EA a while ago. That was a really weird move by EA and I'm not sure why anyone who actually knows or values the Bioware brand would have been happy about it being used to label a bunch of non-RPGs and non-rpg studios.

That's not true. You can make almost any argument in a civil manner. If the criticism is based on her points instead of on her personally, then all you have to do is refrain from using fallacies, insults or attacks. Just because thousands of people fail to exercise even a modicum of civility or respect when addressing


Everyone is telling you greed and I don't think that is it. Ford signed on right when Lucas sold the rights to Disney. This is pure speculation, but I think Ford might have had a problem with George's direction for Star Wars.

Yeah, I think Chicago is a great setting for an open-world game. I've seen New York way too many times.

To be fair, Doom 1 and 2 are freaking ancient. While Doom 3 is no spring chicken, it is at least a 3D game. With the improvements made in the BFG edition, I think the game is a bit more accessible and enjoyable (based off of what I have heard, they improved the save points and the flashlight). I would say, if you

Rage for 4 dollars is great. I paid 5 for it during the Steam summer sale and really enjoyed the game. Don't go in expecting an RPG like Fallout or Borderlands. This game is all about action and shooting. The enemies are smart and aggressive. This isn't some boring shooter where you hide behind a chest-high wall and

What are the best prices you've seen for 27" or 30" monitors. I'm looking for either 2560x1440 or 2560x1600 resolution at the absolute cheapest price. I haven't followed them closely as I've only recently considered upgrading from my 24" monitor.

Yeah, I feel like both the 3DS and WiiU are really weird naming choices because the names are so incredibly similar to their predecessors. However, the 3DS seems to be doing great now. I think the longer the item is in the market, the more familiar it will become. Given the prevalence of the Wii, it might take a year

I have a 6 year old cousin who I want to introduce to Nintendo and specifically, the creative mind of Miyamoto. I never played any Pikmin game though, so I am curious if this game is okay for a 6 year old? It looks fine, I just don't want to get her something that might scare her. I also plan on getting her Windwaker

Yeah, Rage has great graphics and a great visual style. I really enjoyed exploring that game world largely because of the beautiful and horrific visuals.

Great game. I've been playing the beta and it is a lot of fun. It is very team-based and requires a lot of precision and coordination if you want to get through any of the missions undetected. If you prefer to go in like Rambo, then the game is a fun shooter, but the stealth aspect is really intense and really

Oh lord, I have never coveted another mouse before today. I am sorry G9x, I think your time is up.

Rappers have been tweefin for the past few years. Tweef is a great way to get your feelings hurt in a hurry.

As a fan of hip hop, I can tell you, twitter beef (tweef) usually is resolved and apologized for within a few weeks. I expect there will be apologies made from both parties and asspats all around, before everything resumes as normal.

I skipped Max Payne 3, maybe I will give it a shot to prepare for GTA5.