
YAY! Besides being a sword he talks to you. Plus his legends starts in the 12th century! On a morning similar to this one... or was a Tuesday... or Wednesday...

Biggest Game Disappointment from KickStarter

Ending was quite lame. It shows people that if you're in love with someone and you find someone that is totally better then that person that it's ok to leave them. I feel like it has the wrong symbolism to it. Sure I'm nit picking but I know other people must have noticed this too.

YAY!! We can bring all the geeks together and laugh at inside jokes that no one else would get.

Anywhere in Dallas that has to be geeky in my opinion would have to be in North Dallas. I personally like play RPG tabletop games and hang out with people, but there aren't that many places in Dallas at least.

I've been doing my own Pathfinder campaign and there are a couple of apps i have like which are the PF Battle, PFRPG RD, and Masterwork Tools. I GM the campaign but these little apps help me when a PC pulls something and i'm not sure i can do a quick look up. It also helps a lot when it comes to picking a battle i