
What's the point of sending letters to the animals? Do they actually respond with phrases? I feel like doing so much but I don't know where to begin. I'm running all up and down the map. LOL

I want to get this game, but I just know my friends and co-workers are gonna bust my balls over how kiddy it looks.

I'm still getting it.

I always have internet. No problem for me.

Are you seriously playing a 2D Mario game with the Thumbstick? What's wrong with you?

There was a Donkey Kong 64?

I don't see what the big fuss is about. So she has big breasts, why don't YOU quit acting like a child. She doesn't have cooties. Relax.

I'd get him fired at his next job, if I could.

Stop dressing like a whore and you'll stop getting treated like one. This is the same facade women pull around Halloween when they want to dress like Tinkerbell or some other sexy fairy. Just stop.


Hack the planet!

I was going to pick this up today, but Walmart and Gamestop didn't have it. So I ended up getting Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (wii u). I hope I don't regret it :(

But that goes back to his original comment. How would anyone know someone is gay unless that person goes out of their way to announce it to everyone? It isn't necessary.

What's unfortunate about it?



SHHHHHHUSHH!! The less we think about it, the faster time will fly.


Quit bitching and gtfo then.