
f.lux at night definitively shifts it toward white and gold to me.

Yeah, and Kagawa was excited to be back at Dortmund at the beginning of the season as well.

He was defending his crotch with the guitar half the time anyway.

Also, hydrate before sex because it's a strenuous activity :)

I dunno, Globo Gym is always full when I go.

Anecdata is such a brilliant term!

Seems like the original story was updated to say that this was photoshopped :)

He's okay. Just like EDI.

Kinda hard to make those demands before you're that famous, since agencies can probably just replace you with another model. Frustrating.


Sure. I think objectification of men and women can exist at the same time, and do in regards to sex toys. I am arguing (as I feel awkwardturtle is suggesting above) that it's not the "sex toy" part that's a problem, it's more the "this one includes hips and all, like you're just taking the body parts you need". Feels

Yeah, it's literal objectification of women.

For some reason the lack of a wake on the boat bothered me a lot. Pretty trailer though.

Yeah their previous one wasn't so great -

Are you saying that part of the strategy is never using Kindles because it will leave you open to men asking stupid questions? :D

Heh Taylor does pretty well responding to Cleese.

And if you tune into 88.7 FM HD channel 2 - it's classical music all day err day! :)

You're gonna need one for every locale.