
The whole thing boils down to “don’t be an asshole” and everyone gets along just fine.

But that’s my point - they wouldn’t lose it. You’re not asking for your $ back for that night. It’s forfeited. 

Ah yes, because it’s so easy to clearly read the side of a vehicle that’s pulling you over. Police in Florida drive a fuck ton of unmarked and poorly marked vehicles. And refusing to pull over for an actual police officer is a good way to catch a case of the bullet holes.

crashes happen constantly every day... how is this a Jalopnik article?

Now playing

Bad Excuse, as GPS has gotten much better, and only something out of date or set as foot traffic would do it... But in their defense, many of the small back roads in the UK look like walking paths to me.

Jorts are way out, but I wear my New Balances every day

Probably the repair places are offering minimum wage and finding “people just don’t want to work ‘

One of the things we need to emphasize is education. Not just for car drivers, but also bicyclists.

Isn’t this part of the fragile biodegradable wiring harness generation of Benz? Add that into the equation and the proposition of fancy German engineering is even scarier.

Whoever wrote this should also follow their own advice and educate themselves: none of the EVs listed even support charging speeds that fast.”

Satellite radio. That’s the list.

It takes multiple times as long to go in and out of the grocery store, if all I want is *a* soda. That is why they are called *convenience stores*. And yes, you pay a price for that convenience.

This is the real problem. Once a weather delay kicks in, most airports quickly run out of gate space and have little to no means of getting people back off airplanes. And even if they did start running air-stairs and busses out to aircraft scattered all over the airport, the ability to keep track of them all and get

Haven’t really noticed AT’s making more noise. Are you confusing those with Mudders?

street parking is one of the greatest wastes of resources both physical and month there is. Removing it all and replacing it with separated unidirectional alternate transportation lanes would actually utilise the space in a healthy and responsible way. 

Is Greta Gerwig a brilliant filmmaker? She’s made 3 movies, one of them a remake and another one is a toy movie (albeit I’m sure with heavier themes but It’s still a PG-13 toy movie though). Let’s cool it with the “brilliant” though, its not close to being earned yet. She’s talented for sure, but she’s no where

How many doors have all other Mustangs had?

You cannot afford a $40k vehicle? Given all that you state, why the hell not?

I’m not an F1 fan at all so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I’m assuming these grid walks are not open to the general public...right? I assume these celebrities are invited to participate, and are not buying access passes to walk the grid pre-race. If I was F1, I would make a rule that invited celebs

I posted elsewhere what I’ve seen in many industries.