
I was being kinda tongue-in-cheek.  However, we might be to the point now where people can’t afford to buy safer cars.  All those sensors and bending parts are driving insurance premiums through the roof.

To be fair, the insurance problem started within the past 5 years or so.  They have no income tax because they tax the snot out of every tourist that comes through.

In 1976 trucks weren’t the ubiquitous personal transportation that they are now.  They were primarily owned by businesses and tradespeople.  So they wanted them to park their truck at their business location.

Many cities require new developments to have HOA so they can pawn off the maintenance costs to said HOA.  Doesn’t help that many city councils and boards are over-represented by developers.

Proof that cars are built much shoddier these day.  When I was a kid I slammed into the back of a van while being a stupid kid.  I bounced off and knocked myself out.  No damage to van.  Another time I was helping a friend deliver newspapers, and again, ran into the back of a car.  I did a complete flip over the car,

Basically, a lot of times it’s easier to tell someone something is ‘illegal’ or ‘against policy’ rather than going through an argument about why you are or aren’t going to do something.

Yep, as a pizza deliverer, a frequent question is if I’ve seen anybody naked.  The answer is yes.  99% of the time, it’s someone I’d rather gouge out my eyeballs than see naked.

Governments should be banned from bribing companies to locate there.  Companies need to pay for what they want, not the people.

I can only imagine how great that’ll be for people who get sea-sick.  Now in addition to the motion of the ocean, you have a window telling your eyes something completely different from what your body is saying is happening.

People’s finances are also decimated because people were convinced that everyone should have a white collar job sitting in an office, rather than encouraging people to get a job in the trades instead of going into debt. Now that’s really going to backfire when AI takes all the white collar jobs.

The day that happens it’ll be OK, since the other option is generally either immolation or drowning.

Yeah, they drove it for a few days and then parked it because it’s a crap-wagon.

Most places you pay property taxes once a year, and when you buy a house you either get credit or debit on the purchase price depending on whether or not taxes for the year have already been paid - but that’s between the buyer and seller, not the government.

Same in NC.

In NC we pay 3% of the vehicle value the first time you register it, then a yearly registration fee (now about $50 - they just raised it,) and then vehicle property tax on top of that.

Because presumably they would need a job after the term was over.

For one thing, the court is supposed to be comprised of people, not parties.  Not having term limits is supposed to free them of political influence, because they don’t have to be worried about pleasing a certain group in order to keep their job.

Mythbusters started taking parts off I believe a Nissan to see how much faster they could make it, the gains from weight loss far exceed any aero reduction.

Strangely enough, I just picked up a Clive Cussler book I’ve had laying around the house, Arctic Drift, published in 2008; and started reading it last week. The Franklin expedition is a major plot point. Then this weekend I went to pick out a show to watch on my Tivo, saw I had a bunch of episodes of NOVA to watch,

I was looking forward to Ferrari, fell asleep in about 30 minutes, what a snooze fest.