Jon McManus

Ive stopped putting money into the game.  Used to buy raid passes and incubators all the time and stopped.  I bought the go fest ticket because it was cheap (probably why they didn't put effort into it) and depend on my 50 coins a day from gyms to buy items now.  When seemingly every concern reported to Niantic is

Go home and think about what you've pun. 

I don’t see a tail... total fail!

The Arkham games are stand alone titles not affiliated with a movie release. They have gotten repetitive as well however which is why I'm not super hyped for the newest one... also I don't have a system I could play it on yet.

This was the lamest zombie mod I've ever seem...

what a great... game?

They didn't have Minecraft on old black and white macs....

this is pretty much the plague plot for the upcoming game The Last of Us.

you are an idiot. more deaths have been caused by the writing of one certain book than any video game ever made.

To all those complaining about the "SUPER LONG COMBOS ERMERGERD HOW I REMEMBER DOSE?" Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City both had lengthy combos and I didn't hear anyone complaining about them. Just because they have really lengthy combos doesn't mean you have to use them. I'm sure all you simpletons can get

"Styrofoam wrapped in fondant" DELICIOUS! Wait... what!?

Please... this is EA we're talking about. There will be a brand new Sim City this time next year! So who cares if the servers eventually get shut down in 4 or 5 years.... we'll all be playing Sim City 8 or 9 by then.

Sadly Kotaku manga and traditional American "comics" are two different entities. Where "comics" usually manly focus on super heroes manga covers a vastly larger scale from simple slice of life to zombie infestations... Also the art style are extremely different... If you had said "miss universe contestant is huge

The issue is when you see it in first person you wonder why Mario just doesn't walk around all the obstacles... lol

Two things... one this story is just another reason to hate Quebec... two, we Canadians don't really consider Quebec to be part of our great country... lol

you sir have my respect for that comment!

I picked up the game and so far, only played it for an hour mind you, I am having a lot of fun with it. The story seems a little more far fetched and the big WTF moment in the opening prologue was cool. I don't really care for scores, if I enjoy the game that's all I care about.

Why would you want to play any console game on the IOS anyway?

Until I hear announcement from Nintendo directly about them strictly making software only all these analysts can kiss my ass. Seriously. The Wii isn't selling well for two reasons. 1: The Wii U is coming out in mere months. And 2: EVERYONE PRETTY MUCH ALREADY HAS A Wii! Seriously, I hang out at my local EB Games

My guess is they banned flash photography back when they actually used sulfur to make the flash. This led to some sort of fire and they decided "hey, we should ban flash photography.."