
...did the shooter use a 19th-century firearm? Also, did the shooter somehow go back in time? Because the company vacated the premises in 1994, the shooting in question happened in 2012.

Now playing

You are incorrect, sir. You have fallen prey to an old and tired misconception. I’ll allow a Logitech engineer to explain (starts at 4:40):

I work in Coltsville. Literally everything in this article is horseshit. The whole complex is well on the way to being redeveloped. The source isn't much better, they have shot the photos to focus on the few bits that are still not being worked on yet. But about 80% is currently being worked on.

“Hack” to describe doing anything.

Because we all know Jalopnik never has clickbait headlines, never ever.

Being neutral id say you can say the same EXACT thing about pro gun people....or any other counter point to any other argunent. So thank you for wasting my time with your comment.

Saying Coltsville sits in ruin “because guns” is like saying Detroit is shitsville because cars.

Good article except the bash Monsanto part. First I don't get how they are bad for agriculture. They are a huge reason we went from a plateaued 25 bushels per acre to today close to 180 with some counties over 200 and still rising.

Some commenters on here have forgotten the ‘60’s happened.

I scanned this comment but I didn’t read it. Why bother?

If it’s a witch it’ll sink, otherwise it will float.

damn that name makes me miss Fargo and Jo and Zane and Taggart and ....

Sounds like Find My Cheating Husband.

No worries, it's been there for years. ^_^ But I guess there are always going to be people either new to android or that forget about this setting. I hate it and always disable because I always end up hanging up on people by accident when turning off the screen if I'm on speaker or using a headset.

One way to suck more profit, don’t hire support staff (like copy editors, proof readers, etc.).

Fot future reference: "someone who's not all that up on American geography" is typically called an American.

Kudos to you Sir! I think you pointed out the single purist form of data manipulation I have ever seen! 535 congressmen, 29 accused of spousal abuse. 5.5% So almost twice as many congressmen beat their wives as moderators look out over both a "dark" subreddit and a "good" subreddit… Don't you love numbers manipulation

"Do you barge into funeral homes shouting "I TOO HAVE FELT LOSS"?"

I'm Asian. There is no systematic perpetuation of violence against Asian people in America, not to 1/10th of the extent there is against Black people.

"All lives matter" is a distraction. It's you not being comfortable with looking at the horror that

For crying out loud. Al Gore is not a scientist. I don't really give two shits about what Al Gore said and, in any case, you are misrepresenting what he did say, like any denier. I also don't pay attention to TV shows. I'm much more interested in what the scientists are telling me. If they are telling me the Totten