
Um... I am all for transparency and accountability, but a public institution recording video of a public location is pretty far short of "the kind of warrantless surveillance and data collection that's been spreading across post-9/11 America". Many businesses use cameras to record happenings on premise. They do it for

The government isn't BUYING these items. It's SELLING them through the NIST. Companies and research labs buy them as references for calibrating their instruments to a commonly maintained standard. Maybe liberals should learn to read articles before commenting?

Mr. Estes,

Oh, please. There are plenty of things that good ol' America doesn't take as seriously as other nations do. Healthcare and education come to mind.

All they had to do was make SimCity a Simcity 2000 HD instead of the Always on SimCoupleOfCityBlocks and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

That's a shame. The likelihood of a SimAnt 2 is now even more remote than ever.

That looks to be off by 1.5 PSI.

You are insane. Also, old. Or perhaps too young. Either way you are far out of the age bracket of responsible sense and taste. The review on "The Verge" is nonsense. It features the following paragraph, which you will recognize as horseshit immediately:

Lol. I didn't buy a PS4 to play games that feel like they were designed in 2002. Most PS2 games play like shit by today's standards. Not sure how that's supposed to seem like praise.

or as Fox News reports it...Jesus is returning. Yeehaw!

Yes... you're completely right... one small segment of an entire state in a satellite photo confirms the whole truth!

fucking tilt-shift. get over yourself

And your point is?? Our Navy probably faces fewer threats than it did in the 1920s! Last I checked we're still the only country with truly proper aircraft carriers. Why do we need a huge Navy when there is such a minimal threat? Our biggest potential threats are Russia and China. Russia we could likely handle with not

And we no longer have coalers to refuel our dreadnoughts!!!! How will we ever defeat the Kaiser?????? I blame Obama.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the obsolescence of battleships, et al. Aren't we still spending virtually half or more of US tax intake on the military? And how does our current killer submarine fleet, attack helicopter and drone force stack up to the 1920's?

Debatable. Putting out a bunch of barely serviceable support ships probably didn't keep Soviet admirals up at night. That was more for domestic consumption. Spending big bucks on front line equipment while at the same time making a deal with the Saudis to keep oil cheap was what worked.

Now playing

This is nothing new for John Brown, by the way.

On the Moto X, you just ask "OK Google Now, what song is this?"

Lego Minecraft...there's just something....I dunno...

Above the kitchen sink would be a good location. It might keep my wife from sweating all over the dishes she just washed...