
I currently have the "old" X and love it. Sure the S5's camera blows it out of the water but guess which phone is faster to use?

Oh, it'll work on it Moto is just choosing to screw us over.

The '13 X is getting Android L just not these Moto software tweaks

Wow, talk about a blast from the past. Millennials is just another name for Gen Y. Gen Z, afaik, doesn't yet have a nickname.

I love that there is an entire backstory on the creation of the hyperdrive in the MF and of the MF itself. But the Kessel Run discussion is one of those things where I don't care if I'm right or wrong; I just like debating the semantics of a line in a movie about an interstellar spacecraft with an FTL hyperdrive

I had actually forgotten the scene where Luke first sees the MF and calls it junk or something to that effect which Solo replies back that the MF will do point something past light speed.

The K Run distance is determined by how close you're able to fly to the black holes between Formos and Kessel, ok now here's where my explanation comes in:

The Kessel Run is about speed. More speed enables a lower distance which in turn means a lower time. *sadly goes back to the nerdery to enter numbers into quickbooks*

All that and not a single happy little tree? Color me disappointed :/

Disney decided not to pursue the "Mufasa Experience at Epcot" so I doubt you'll be able to see that first hand anytime soon.

Your opening statement is incorrect in that there may be cars that exceed 0-60 in 2.8s but exactly zero of them are NASCARs. And with your example let's change it to 4 Camrys (All NASCARs being equal-ish) and there's only 5 in existence (the starting field at Charlotte covers about every NASCAR so you assume only the

Read point #2

The friction coefficient is going to be slightly different for every car and on every lap so if you choose 1.0 which gives you 165mph and the data you observe coming from the track is 163-167mph why would you feel your assumption is wrong?

Do you have data from the race? Is the speed we're seeing displayed on TV at all accurate?

Do you mean throttled at 200GB? Or really 2?

Until a few months ago my muni owned cable ISP capped uploads at 0.4mbps. 8mbps down & 0.4 up. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Comes into a Volkswagen thread griping about quality, replies, "my Ferrari never has these problems"

That doesn't make any sense so I'll reiterate my question; when setting this security protocol in place why would the Bitcoin creators choose to have the system accept a simple majority (51%) & not look for more consensus with a super majority (67%)?

Idk if you'll know the answer to this but, why would they choose 51% as opposed to say 67%?

One username doesn't necessarily mean one person. Think of GHash as a single entity & his analogy fits.