
Day 27, tree huggers still haven't figured out that the turbine is being powered by the coal plant. Wow! This thing spins & I can't even feel the wind. It's amazing!

And I can find scientific papers that say vaccinating your child makes them autistic, Stem cells can be easily transformed into blood cells, that CO2 isn't a harmful gas, & I've even found one that recommends something other than Crest.

You can have it in any color as long as it's white

It's almost like a bored rich kid trying a bunch of hobbies just b/c fuck it why not? I'm rich.

I had 2 friends that ended up with different phones b/c of that. They didn't want the 16GB but couldn't wait for them to come back in stock

That's a nice fuk'n fish

It's across the street from St. Joseph's

The answer is money. Look at NASA's budget changes over the last 40 years.

"The soldier was later executed by firing squad and his family was sent back to work in a rock quarry."

Can you please point out any new cable providers in the last 10 years? And, no, AT&T's U-Verse doesn't count neither does Verizon's FiOS nor Google Fiber. I want a Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Woz type who comes up with the idea in their garage & successfully implements it not some multi-billion dollar corporation that

From a TV aspect, no, you couldn't. Let's throw a number out & say AT&T will control access to 50% of households. Now you're wanting to start your own cable provider & you have enough backing to catch 1%, but that 1% is currently covered by AT&T.

Well that made my day & I don't even know wtf I just watched

Samsung 4k review:

Yeah, this deal started yesterday and expired early this morning so I'm not sure why it was included. Great deal for whoever caught it via other deal sites though

No, you're just misinterpreting the Florida gun deaths graph.

It's not hard to imagine most Verizon stores as Quark's bar. Little weasely Ferengi salesman running around trying to talk customers out of their hard earned gold pressed latinum by upgrading to the latest and greatest communicators. Ooh...hey this one comes in Champagne.

I doubt the band itself knows but I would venture to say their lawyer and accountant do.

As if net neutrality is an actual thing in this country. You might as well say it violates the Klingon Honor Code.

No mention of Shiner in Texas? Is it b/c it's more expensive than Lone Star? And since when is Sam Adams, Goose Island, and Yuengling considered cheap?