Shel Silverstein is the greatest poet that ever lived. I will fight anyone that disagrees.
Shel Silverstein is the greatest poet that ever lived. I will fight anyone that disagrees.
Same reason I always order a shot with my beer. Can't get drunk on whiskey if you're buying beer. It's just math.
From the article:
I find the fact that his name is Jay Dee but his nickname is B.J. for more offensive/questionable than the drunken brawling.
if you can’t hit a HR in a HR Derby, you probably aren’t doing it in a game....
Uh, Hem? This may be redundant, but this IS an Arby’s, and you’re just screaming at your meat station.
Shortlist for COTY as far as I’m concerned. +1
I hope you receive 1M stars.
When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck
I felt really bad for O.J. Simpson until I remembered I don’t give a shit about anyone’s fantasy football team, and also that time he killed his ex-wife and a waiter.
But he wants to buy Greenland!
Andrew Luck 2012: *Takes a sack* Great job, man. Insane hustle. You really got me.
Andrew Luck 2019: You even just look at the ceiling and wish you could stop existing? Like, not die, but just POOF and cease being altogether. Maybe it’s nothing but motionless, soundless black. Complete emptiness. Nothingness. But it’s…
“Sure, we could have demanded he pay us the money back. But that didn’t feel like the right thing to do. Andrew was more than just our quarterback, he was the person we rallied around after we let Peyton Manning go He brought us together: our present, our future and our glorious past. From our point of view, he helped…
I have an actual shit-ton more faith in Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni than I ever did in Alex Kurtzman. Meaning, I have hope that this can and will be good.
It would be awesome if he never took off his helmet but seeing as they cast a very hot man for the role, I figure that isn’t going to happen
I love how the Mandalorian doesn’t say anything the entire trailer.