
“Sure, we could have demanded he pay us the money back. But that didn’t feel like the right thing to do. Andrew was more than just our quarterback, he was the person we rallied around after we let Peyton Manning go He brought us together: our present, our future and our glorious past. From our point of view, he helped

I totally agree. If you’re a fan of Andrew Luck and the Colts and you hear that he’s retiring with no context then you’re going to have a pretty emotional reaction to that. But if you want to boo him after he’s gone up to the podium and explains through tears his heart wrenching decision then you’re an asshole.

I hope that NFL players take note of the lack of empathy people have shown Andrew Luck during this entire process. Don’t feel guilty about hold-outs for more money. Get as much money as you can and get the hell out before it becomes a detriment to your health. 

Wonder if “screwing over his fantasy team” rates between “screwing his ex-wife” and “taking his memorabilia” on the OJ vengeance scale.

Seems shortsighted to me. What’s he going to do without football? Other than his family, tens of millions of dollars, a Stanford education, and relative youth, football was all he had going for him.

Honestly, this is funnier than anything any of us could hope to comment:

And it just reaffirms what I would be thinking if I were Luck: I’ve gotten plenty of money, I’m a smart dude who has interests outside of football, and the NFL/Colts/Indy are such a trifecta of toxicity that I’m better off exchanging CTE and more money for lots of money and some sweet, sweet travel.

If I were Luck, I’d

The default, basest fandom for all sports is “I want to win win win and if you do something that makes winning less likely then FUCK YOU!”

I don’t buy it. There’s no way Jim Irsay is conscious on a Saturday night.

I’m sorry Marvel, what’s that? Two of my favourite characters coming to TV? One of your other shows possibly taking inspiration from one of the best limited series I’ve read in years? Seriously guys, my birthday’s not for months!

I have an actual shit-ton more faith in Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni than I ever did in Alex Kurtzman. Meaning, I have hope that this can and will be good.

...and, yet, still no word on Machine Man. When, oh lord, when will there finally be an announcement regarding Machine Man? I am no longer a young man. The days ahead are shorter than the ones behind. Am I to live my life never seeing my beloved Machine Man brought to life?

It would be awesome if he never took off his helmet but seeing as they cast a very hot man for the role, I figure that isn’t going to happen

I love how the Mandalorian doesn’t say anything the entire trailer.

Please please please let She Hulk be a law procedural. Like, just a standard law procedural except she's big and green.

YYYYEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! OMG. I hate you Disney God damn it, bringing me right back in like a bad ex boyfriend. Please cover the Law and Disorder run for She-Hulk.

But he’s not dying though

As a person who coaches football to earn a living and loves it, I can say that identifying yourself first and foremost as a football coach is fucking stupid.  Be a husband, father, son.  Be all the important things before you out on the coach's hat.  Hell, that goes for any job. Identify with the things that matter

I’ll assume you’re talking about me. lol It’s funny because it’s not even because I’m a big fan of his that I got so involved in the story. I would say I like about half the movies he’s directed over the years. What drew me in was more what caused his firing to begin with. I’ve had huge issues with Cernovich and his

If there’s proof that people can change, it’s James Gunn. He used to make easy/poor taste jokes on Twitter, and turned that into a fight for LBGT peeps and against injustice.

His roasting by Trumpers and eventual firing proved he’d hit a nerve. Glad Disney did the right thing and I’m even more glad that he’s still