
There have never, in the history of the world, been hundreds of trains made stationary because of a single $50 drone flying too close to the tracks.

It’s funny, see, because like, Barry Bonds remember got mad that the home run record was broken by a white guy and Mark McGwire

Yup. Also, hang on..... “captured on video receiving services”..... Please TMZ, get on this.

This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.


Place your bets:
“I have black friends.” - 1/2
“I was hacked.” - 1/2
“I’m being silenced/targeted by the liberal media.” - 4/5
“I’m a young, dumb kid and didn’t really mean those things.” - 3/1
“I was kidding.” / “It was satire.” - 4/1
“I’m being quoted out of context.” - 5/1
“I was drunk.” - 7/1
“Fuck yeah, I’m racist. White

Alternate theory on how the show will end: Season 8 will continue to pile on my questions, characters, etc. There will be a bunch of great battle scenes between the various armies, living & dead. There will be some gratuitous nudity. All the living main characters will be gathered together, Jon Snow will stand up to

It doesn’t have to be. Sports/team culture definitely can get toxic, but the good teams and the good coaches that I’ve been involved with haven’t functioned that way. Good leadership can curtail a lot of abusive team behaviors. 

What’s really pathetic is that Trump most likely just hates Bezos with the burning passion of a thousand suns for no other real reason other than the undeniable fact that Bezos is richer than him. Trump bragged that his building was now the tallest in Lower Manhattan after 9/11 (which...still wasn’t true). Trump ran

It has to be arcing DOWN. Under your interpretation, there would be no blocks

And don’t worry, it also works in context as a “nonsense” word, too!

Some have argued that the play is actually not as impressive as it seems...

Some have argued that the play is actually not as impressive as it seems

What do you think goaltending is, exactly? 

No, it really isn’t 

I bruised my hand raking leaves yesterday.


That just leads to more suffering and sick children due to no fault of their own. It's not the kids fault and increasing cost will only lead to children not being treated.

I work with people with tic disorders. This looks familiar to me. I’m certainly not diagnosing the guy, but maybe take it easy on him. It can be frustrating and embarrassing for people with tics to be in a public space and have difficulty controlling their bodily movements.

“(Warren police) haven’t done much to repair the whole.”