
Ruth Buzzi!

It’s not a tax on Bitcoins, it’s a tax on the profits made from Bitcoins when converted to actual money. The fact you’re not realizing it renders the rest of your argument null and void.

Or Brietbart, Drudge, Blaze.

Eli completely deserves to be in the HoF solely based on the two rings.

12 QBs with multiple SB rings, only 2 retired ones aren’t in the HoF - Jim Plunkett and Payton Manning

Eli, Roethlisberger and Brady are active with multiple wins. Eli has the wins in the Super Bowl and is the most clutch QB in the playoffs ever.

You said it yourself: “Manning is a Hall of Famer—I think he shouldn’t be, and I also think he will be—it’ll be because he performed at his best on the biggest stages.”

2 rings, one of the games taking down the immortal Patriots. He’ll get in the HOF and I believe the deserves it, this coming from a Cowboy fan.

Not necessarily. Comcast owns MSNBC. They would favor their own news organization over others.

Now, I may simply be a small-town country lawyer and I don’t quite get how things go in your big city courthouses but reading over this story I don’t quite see that anyone is alleging a sexual assault took place but, rather, some inappropriate workplace emails were sent.

Draws his gameplans up using one of these:

Yes, a couple millions dollars and a high ranking position at an ISP.

Never been a Flacco fan, but doesn’t some of the offensive failure lie with the OC? I mean, has anyone ever said, “The only guy who can fix this is Marty Mornhinweg”?

Your list of highlights is sorely missing the tree reference

Y’know, I don’t really get these types of posts. Obviously you cared enough about this to click on it, watch it and then comment on it.

If you are suggesting that Baltimore should jettison Flacco for Kaepernick, you are out of your fucking mind

Id take Flacco over Kap any day of the week.

OMG I remember seeing that 007 kit in a catalog, and wanting it so much lol!

When I was ten, in 1959, the go-to Christmas gift for boys was a gun. All our dads had been in the Army or Navy in WW-II, and they thought that toy guns were just dandy. Army guns, cowboy guns, and a bit later spy guns... Christmas morning was like reporting to the armory.

<holds envelope to forehead>

Now those are words Talib by.

Aqib: when you’ve turned an Oakland Raider into a victim to sympathize with it might be time to examine your life choices.