
We’ve reached the point of a running joke where it seems unfunny. The key is keep going! It will be funny again soon.


I like the hermit theory. And the reason we haven’t seen Luke is the movie is all a race to find him. Han leading the good guys. Kylo leading the Vader obsessed sect. Captain Phasam leading the New Order. Movie ends with finding Luke, dragging him out of hiding to meet the new threat to the galaxy and meeting his

Love it. Full charge!

And for the record, I actually have a “fall back” position in case of...whatever. I usually don’t tell anyone because, well, just because. But the Black Hills of South Dakota are perfect. It’s an island surrounded by a moat of desolate prairie. It’s on the way to nowhere. It’s central (actually dead center) in the

St Paul is more appealing in a lot of ways. ;)

You could ride the river down to Wabasha and then overland to Rochester.

You’re forgetting the quality of the doctors. Mayo is the best in the world. MSP docs are top tier because of Mayo.

K. ;)

They still orient themselves somehow; sight, smell. Rivers would wash them down stream. Lakes would slow them down at least.

Not agreeing. I can walk to MoA from Minneapolis. There are roadside farmers markets just south of that. Your thinking is pre-zombie apocalypse. “Who wants to drive to MoA when Southdale is closer.” You do what you need to do.I rode my bike to Rochester and back in a day. Distance is relative to experience and need.

Mayo isn’t the only one but it is the best in the world. Mayo also has a halo effect. The medical options and talent are very high in the immediate “metro” area. And there are actual hospitals in Minneapolis; road trip not necessary for immediate help.

Don’t forget the food stocks of General Mills.

Happens to me every January

MoA is in Bloomington, which barely qualifies as a suburb of Minneapolis. It was the former home of Metropolitan Stadium.

Minneapolis didn’t make the list? High percentage of gun ownership, various rivers and lakes limit zombie movement, lots of nearby farmland, plus a large medical industry anchored by Mayo Clinic just an hour south - perfect for the third act road-trip-to-save-humanity.

Tom Collins is a good intro. I do a Tom Brady and let the club soda go flat and add a splash of grenadine for the stain on his record but that's kinda 2014 so, moving on!

Rangpur is lime flavored garbage. If you want lime, buy a lime.

This is the single most fucked up list I’ve ever seen on a Gawker site. New Amsterdam? Better than Hendricks? No fucking way. NA is cheap fucking swill that prisoners make in a bathtub. Gordon’s? Seriously, was this judged by affordability? By a bum? The “proud-if-basic resin profile” you tasted was from the plastic

And if you can get them so the yolks are runny...