
Work hard and get hired permanently. :) You won't have enough time or money to buy everything you'll want. Good bets are All-Clad, Wustof and Reidel. The pretzel mix is great! And I use their spoontulas every day.

Yep. PB is still included.

I have that enclume rack, too. Almost forgot about that. Another great thing about working there is getting the clearance stuff. They are aggressive with mark downs.

They used to but I heard that they've changed policy since I was there. Rumor is it's 20% for seasonals.

Have you done any correlating your data with the various media methods the candidates used? For example, is TV more effective or "ground game?" Did Romney's attempts to put Pennsylvania in play work at all? How effective are cadidate visits, etc?

Best solution? Go work there. 40% is the employee discount. I worked there for a long time and have a shit ton of high end cooking crap to show for it (including a 12 piece All-Clad set I got for FREE!) Every paycheck was basically used to buy more crap that, while not necessary in the kind of "your plane went down

I saw a home show where they made reflectors to go behind radiators - basically cardboard and aluminum foil. Supposedly they reflect heat into the living space that normally would be absorbed by your wall.

Since fantasy football is the only thing Yahoo could do even remotely right, this is kinda a big deal. Hello, Fanball!


Genius. Thanks!

There's also the conspiracy theory that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance and let it happen to get public opinion behind his effort to get involved in WWII. Pure bunk but juicy bunk.

But the reverse could be true and that's kinda the point. They didn't catch the flu and die. They were genetically unprepared for whatever bug they happened to catch. It could've been gingivitis or pig flu or whatever.

I saw this when I was a kid on some Saturday morning after cartoons. Really great camp! I had forgotten the title and have been searching for years. Thanks!

Wear a tie. People defer to the guy with the tie. They respect him. The guy with the tie feels more confident, assertive and intelligent.

Navy Whites FTW.

Think of the "Air" in "Air Force." Air + Force = shit ton of aircraft.

Pretty sure they are/were used by power companies trimming back trees from power line runs. Also pretty sure there would be no way in hell I'd volunteer to fly a helipcopter with a circular saw hanging underneath to cut trees next to power lines.

I grew up in the same time frame and in the midwest. All it did for me was wish that it would actually happen. Waging guerrilla warfare in my own backyard? I'd been training for that since I was 5.

The skiing. It's awesome. Oh, and Fat Tire. Even better.

there's not. Hype cuts two ways. My wife's 5 is working perfectly.