
Yeah but Stranger Things tho...

You must have not gotten the memo about us not caring about boring science anymore. We like our wellness like our movies: beautiful, fake as shit, and having the ability to make us feel good about ourselves despite not actually doing anything for us.

I mean if you want your kid to play in another room it wouldn’t matter if you had open space because they’d be in the other room.

I’m sorry your cooking is terrible so that it’s terrible smell would wafts into other areas of the house.

Just get a dang space heater and a shitload of blankets.

Nah I like them because it can make a place look bigger than it really is. Plus if you got good windows the natural light that shines in is just magnificent. 


You misspelled Canyonero.

As much as I agree with you, it’s still not a good thing to have discrimination at public establishments. If Wing was allowed to actually have a true women’s only area, that would set a dangerous precedent for business with not so benevolent motives.

I truly hope they pass the NDAA so I can get some of that sweet parental leave, but I’m not holding my breath.

Dick on roof makes all laugh hearty, fa la la la la la la la la”

You know, there’s already a female version of “hero” and it is heroine.

Again, there will always be instances where one must bring children with them. Don’t you be the asshole for not understanding. Epilogue.

I think that one of the most compelling statements you can make for continued funding of the Department of Health and Human Services and its many agencies (CDC, FDA, USDA, etc.) is to question how necessary is it to constantly look at the products we consume for pathogens. To think about the ramifications of lax

As a food microbiologist, I can tell you that outbreaks happen all the time. The thing about them is that we can’t necessarily predict how many there will be because of cross-contamination or human error.

I thought this episode was hilarious and really just bonkers. Also, I do agree that people are taking this shit way too seriously trying to find meaning in every little second. Sometimes, Rick and Morty just have a dumb adventure and we should be able to take a break from the existential dread to have a laugh at that

You must be new here. Jez will celebrate a celebrity’s actions no matter how raunchy or dumb it may be. Yesterday it was Cardi B. Today it is Lizzo. Who knows who it will be tomorrow.

Terribly sorry to hear that about your friend, but you must remember causality does not imply correlation.

I’ve been a Mulan fan since the movie came out and I was THRILLED when I heard it was getting the live-action treatment.

After some particularly messy roommates in college, I made myself learn to do housework and cook so that I could share the load when I got married (plus living in a neat and clean place is nice). While the cooking duties are split evenly between my wife and I, the irony is that I do everything else because she doesn’t