
When I broke up with an ex it was not completely uncommon for friends to tell me that they had found him to be unattractive (or at least less "qualifyingly" attractive for me.) In the moment, I mean, even now... that just stung a bit. I mean, I used to love him; –and I loved how he looked to me, and that was a really

I pray when I have children I can find babysitters just like you. People are so uptight.

TOTALLY school in summer: NO CLASS.

OMX, OMX is genius. I shall be using it forthwith. OMX thank you!

I am so happy to be able to share this. My old roommate used to frequently dazzle us with late-night stoner food and this was a classic.

As a man who lost [most of] his hair before he was ready, I can tell you that outside of some -actual- tragedies in my life my greatest pain was losing my hair. People say you don't lose your looks with your hair, but your options become really limited. Also, I'm not a tall guy, so being short fat and bald can really

Best save ever.

Marry me?

Ah, that's sweet. I appreciate that "some of your best friends are gay," but that doesn't change that you think they'll burn in a LAKE OF FIRE FOREVER. Good friends.

I am a man and I absolutely Can. Not. Stand. when guys refer to women as "Young Ladies." Guh-ross.

This is related to neither shit nor Thanksgiving. But it is about Grandmothers and washcloths.

Have you tried shark fin soup? It's wonderful with toast points and tiger-bone mash.

Okay so I rent my place out on AirBnB as times are somewhat tough right at the moment. Guests are always SO nice, people really seem to get that it's someone's _home_ they're staying in, so they are usually very respectful and I never worry.

It has come to me through hard earned experience that the key is in pointing it out at all. It's kind of just up to you how important it is to you to see "justice" done.

I sat there, looking at the words, trying to make this joke. Thank you for doing what I could only dream of.

I appreciate this measured response very much.

Has anyone ever heard of the knockout game?