Josh McGee

Loved that Kumundi reference. (Who did he say was the first boy? I didn’t recognize the name)

When Rebecca started that speech, I thought she was going to reveal that she didn’t want to eat because, when Jack died, she was getting a candy bar and is now afraid to eat in waiting room.s

I really hate Marcus’ emo monologues that he gives to the audience during montages.

Oh snap. I live here in Fresno.

I really want the fair to go off without a hitch. Devote an entire episode to just some lightheartedness. Maybe even comedic. I know it won’t happen, and I still like the show, but I really Hope the fair gets some fun scenes before the Whispereds crash it.

Not saying it’s good, but wouldn’t Suicide Squad count as a genre film? Will Smith is in it.

It is a tragedy that Dredd hasn’t gotten a sequel. It was so good. As for 12 Monkeys the TV show? Definitely a front-runner for best time-travel story of all time. (In visual media)

Thanks. So like Caitlyn Jenner? (Not sure if that’s how you spell her name)

Can I ask a really ignorant question regarding Nia?

Yeah, misremembering childhood event seems familiar to me too. Not sure if it was on This Is Us though.

One of the Adventure Time games is also just like this one. Overworld, RPG, side-scrolling battl3, etc. I think it’s the ones for 3DS

The difference between not shooting those soldiers last season and torturing injured vet Jake is that those soldiers were just doing their job as good, loyal, honest, respectable soldiers. Jake threw his lot in with Billy, which I think, to Frank at least, is where the line is.

“Zoom” - The Flash villian

Love how Mark Guggenheim, the ARROWVERSE showrunner was one of the asylum inmates. Also, no one mentioned Ralph’s “It’s not even Tuesday” joke in the last review, very disappoint.

No mention of Ralph!s “It’s not even Tuesday!” line? That’s was the best meta joke in the already hilarious crossover.

I agree. I like Charlie and Mona’s and Eva and Gary.... But I am sure there’s some characters in DC!s back log that could fill each of those roles instead.

I think the headline is speaking objectively. It’s not “most unexpected” or “most shocking” twist, but it is a twist and it is potentially very big.

I understand it was already crowdedness, but I would have been happy if they just threw us a bone with them almost as cameos. Just show the four defenders so fighting off some of Thanos’ minions in the streets for ten seconds. Or I guess since the only enemies that were in New York were the Children of Thanos, then

I am assuming Jesus will resurrect in three days.

Just got into and binge watched that “This Is Us” show.