Josh McGee

I mostly enjoyed it, but I think Brandon Sanderson’s “The Reckoners” trilogy would have been better. It’s also about Cape-busting normals in a world of evil supers. The source material is -way- better.

Xenogears. Remade and finished, Ike how it was actually intended insread of how it ended up.

Nah, they named General Mills last season,

Reallly hope Damian Darhk returns from Hell. Characters that come from other show s to LOT are always really imrpvoed. Daman’s been the main antagonist for thre seasons of Arrowverse shows, which makes him the longest-running baddy. (Reverse flash is close). He sucked in Arrow but Legends made him delightful. I kind

Right? I think that was the hardest thing to suspend disbelief for. I’m 28 and I don’t know who James Taylor is. (But i’m also really out of touch)

Next season better introduce Diggle as John Stewart as Green Lantern in at least one of those universes next season. They established he is in Elseworld, and it wouldn’t make me so happy to finally see him as GL

Mona worked so much better as a side-character. She’s so annoying on the team, and her “Wolfie” form is such horrible CGI and rubber prosthetic, which is sad because Grodd and King Shark look so good.

Shame that the best part from the book in this scene wasn’t in the show.

I’m having a hard time getting into it because of Dragonrot. I’m the Gamer OCD type. The thought of missing out on quest lines because I died too many times hours beforehand drives me insane. If there were infinite cures for Dragonrot it might be okay. But there’ not, right?

Right? I admit I hated Skyler, but it was just because she got on the the way some plot. She was a good person in a bad world.

You keep asking if Kevin’s move is out yet, and I keep telling you that it was answered in the Thanksgiving episode. Migquel’s awful kid said he heard it was “Middling”

I love how the Arrowverse often references it’s mainstream rivals. DC just awesome like that. From memory, they’ve spoken about Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man and... I feel like I’m forgetting one.

Okay, are we ever going to see Red Daughter / Russian Supergirl? She was the cliffhanger from last season, and now this season only has, what, 7 episodes left? When’s she coming in? The season seems random to me. Children of Liberty, The Elite, Lex Luthor, and hopefully Red Daughter... it feels weird to me.

Realize I’m a few years late to this... but just watched the episode. Yeah, Kanye’s voice actor’s line reading of that mid-song “Hold up!” was perfect. I laughed so hard.

Loved that Kumundi reference. (Who did he say was the first boy? I didn’t recognize the name)

When Rebecca started that speech, I thought she was going to reveal that she didn’t want to eat because, when Jack died, she was getting a candy bar and is now afraid to eat in waiting room.s

I really hate Marcus’ emo monologues that he gives to the audience during montages.

Oh snap. I live here in Fresno.

I really want the fair to go off without a hitch. Devote an entire episode to just some lightheartedness. Maybe even comedic. I know it won’t happen, and I still like the show, but I really Hope the fair gets some fun scenes before the Whispereds crash it.

Thanks. So like Caitlyn Jenner? (Not sure if that’s how you spell her name)