Josh McGee

If WOW is anything to go by, it’ll be shoulderpads/pauldrons.

Ah, I see. Thanks.

So he learned it in Winter Soldier? And thanks so much for your reply, I was afraid I got to this post too late, as I only saw the movie earlier today.

Just saw it, LOVED it, but I came away with two questions:

This is why, no matter how well I can illustrate individual things, I will never be an artist... most of these look just fine to me. =X

So I know some choices transfer over.... is it going to be a a big chance ala ME3 if I just start outright without my old save data? I really don’t want to replay the old one, but I also don’t want to miss out on anything important / improved if I had.

As a major wow lore nerd person, I personally read all the quest text, but ever since Cataclysm, and the fact that you won’t be doing dungeons and raids in the order they are released, I have a hard time comprehending how anyone who hasn’t played from vanilla and done every raid and dungeon in order can understand

I know this is a very late post, but I stumbled upon it randomly...

I want to play this game so bad, wish I could afford the $10 on Steam

If they put it on VITA I would be soooo freaking happy.

I cracked up so hard at “Settler Cam”

Mmm. Round Table is my absolute favorite. You must live in the Central Valley.

I’m sure Kal-el woulda found a different solution. (Like grabbing the kid and flying to some distant planet until he could learn control?) And then Braniac would grow up and become a life-long villian anyway. Still though.

If I couldn’t get into the first Witcher game, should I bother with this one? Is this one enhanced by having played the first two?

Good for you guys for posting about it! I hope you don't get into trouble. =(

Oh I gotta see this.

These are all great, all of them, but you don't know scary until you read the better SCP articles

This is an excellent setup for the show. Not only does it have an interesting sci-fi premise but it also has a conflict that guarantees tense action from start to finish. More than that though, each diary tells the future in a different way—be that how to escape any given situation or everything a certain person does