How’s about #8 - “No karate in the pit”?
How’s about #8 - “No karate in the pit”?
No, but everyone knows they can’t get a GOP jerb without kissing his ass, so they put up with him.
Unfortunately, I think you underestimate the ability of racist white guys to lay low and avoid long-term consequences of their actions. He’ll be back at another law firm within a year, I’d put a dollar on it.
To paraphrase Ron Burgundy: “Are you just pointing at things you don’t like and calling them ‘woke’?”
That’s all they have: fear and outrage. Nothing that’ll actually help anyone, mind you, just fear and outrage.
I’d say the Dems will capitalize on this come election time, but I'm also not going to hold my breath for them to start fighting even a little dirty.
As if science, medicine, and fact mattered to conservatives. The cruelty is the point.
Because everyone knows that the entire continent of Africa has been completely devoid of white racists, so planning to go there there proves one isn’t racist......
I bet it still chapped her ass to have to say even that.
You call me a bloody Flapdoodle Hornswoggler Bugger one more time, and you’ll get slapped with a white glove so quick it’ll make your powdered wig spin, buddy.
They need to bring back “Hart of Dixie”, they can start there. Loved that show.
Give him a shred of credit: at least he didn’t call it Men’s End.
At this point I expect 6G, it’s been long enough that we’ve been dealing with this 5G crap from our vaccines.
In Kentucky? Something tells me the odds are forever in his favor down there.
Here’s hoping that the inside of that thing is vomit-proofed.
Long odds here, but wanna bet it was with a guy?
So the Boeberts are showing such respect for the institution of holy matrimony and the legal process all at the same time. What upstanding conservatives.....
Let’s just throw conservative dicks under the bus.
But would they still have freedom?????????
Kids are just not thinking that fucking hard about things like this. It was “movie day” at school, this is all they were thinking: “SWEET!!! We don’t have to work, we get to watch a movie!!!!!!!”