

Are some of these even possible on newer models? I have a late 2011 and I replaced the RAM and changed the HD to an SSD. I've read that the newer models have RAM soldered to the logic board, etc. so you can't make these upgrades? Anyone know what on the new ones you can replace?

Bigger question, not phone related. HOW DO YOU HAVE 27,000 + emails in your inbox??

Bigger question, not phone related. HOW DO YOU HAVE 27,000 + emails in your inbox??

Pretty much the sky is the limit. There is no shortage of needing people who know how to make things. With devices and other things needing designers and developers, you will never be out of work.

You're like a Highlander or something! :)

That movie was surprisingly great.

Huh.... that's a pretty interesting use case. that makes a lot of sense, actually!


Yeah, these in black 0.5 mm are my favorite. Been writing with them for years.

We talk about these on Super Dad Show, a podcast for Dads! Check us out!!

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I dont know why, but this reminds me of logans run... are we all going to go to carousel?

Yeah, I went to art school. :)

It's like no one knows where to put their arms / hands. SOMEONE, put your hands in your pockets and RELAX!


I don't know why every time you slap two technologies together, hardware wise, everything has to step back to 1998 design wise. All of those components look horsey and bulky. I dont get it.