
I just think that, you know, he’s not a very sophisticated man

The “school choice” thing really just takes money away from schools that need it. Ask any public school teacher (not charter, not private) that you come across. Devos is horribly misinformed and shortsighted.

Lololololol, I’m not sure which part of this made me laugh more, the lack of knowledge about basic facts or the embarrassing spelling.

“ I just think that, you know, he’s not a very sophisticated man, especially when it comes to the idea of ‘until everyone is free, no one is free.’ Period. That’s just a fact. We are all linked some kind of way. So if you oppress a certain people, everyone is in danger. That’s just ... karmically and in real life.”

Never a bad time for my favorite photo.

No, I’m sorry. The answer is racism. Racism is the reason people voted for Trump. Thanks for playing though.

He has grown and matured nicely. (Solange accelerated things, imho).

It’s the strangest thing.

Recently I was having lunch with a group of coworkers, they are all conservatives, I’m the lone liberal. We started talking politics and one of my coworkers asked me if I would like to see Trump either impeached or leave office on his own. I replied “No.” when they asked me why, I said “I think Mike Pence would be far

As an expat Canadian and former Torontonian, yes I say she is allowed to speak for us! I nominate Jessamina for Queen speaker of Toronto Canada!

Holy shit. She’s trying SO HARD. She must have been the worst model ever. (Though in her early years I guess her face was actually more movable, being real and all.)

Harry (like all of us) just misses Michelle.

HMMMM interesting that Trump sent Melania to Toronto for the Invictus games, and not Ivanka.....

Melania is probably already dickmatized by Harry already. Normally, I’m not into Harry, but that beard is panty peeler.

After her divorce, Trump sent multiple bouquets of flowers to Buckingham Palace to the point Princess Diana was like wtf do I do with this guy? Gross!

Get that useless ass Melania out of my city and out of my country. We don’t want her here. And of all the events she could have travelled for, the American Invictus athletes deserve a representative that is a hundred times better. At minimum, someone who has held a legitimate job, has integrity, values freedom and


Exit light, enter night pretty much sums up this entire administration.

Kind of amazed how far I had to scroll to find this. Historucly this has been a hand sign to ward off devils or the evil eye.

Haha, why does Melania look like she’s slowly tipping backwards? Also, nobody just makes their hands do that, like, “on accident.” I don’t think Prince Harry is the devil, but I do think he wants us to know that he thinks Turmp and associates are. Eh, Harry might be the devil, too.