
“No, you had the chance to be on TV and in every magazine is what I’m thinking.”

That whole franchise is horseshit. And that’s not saying much for equine dietary habits.

1. Wendy is rude to everybody.

I will love him forever if he gives incriminating evidence on Ivanka.

Well then. I think he’s gotta to flip on Trumples lest he find himself mysteriously vanished by Putin’s witness-removal squad. I say bleed him dry for info, then try him for treason. Oh, and promise him a plea deal, break the promise, and laugh.

“You are are a rapist. Why do you think the woman you raped deserved it?”

“You are are a gay-basher. Why do you think your breaking the ribs of that gay man was justified?”

Yeah, what the fuck are these comments?

Hey POC if you are shocked (I shouldn’t be) and angry about all these white ladies in the comments talking about how this is an interesting excercise in critical thinking, The Root posted this yesterday, you may want to head over there as the comment section on Jezebel is often hostile to POC.

Black and brown children- and their parents- are not required to understand and therefore excuse White racism and supremacy. We have done this for far too long. Enough.

Telling children to even hypothetically rationalize “Why are blacks inferior to whites?” is not critical thinking.

i don’t think racist hatred of black people lives inside most black children.

You’re assuming he couldn’t complete the assignment because he didn’t have the answer or couldn’t think critically enough to come up with one...when I read that I assumed he couldn’t complete it because it brought up emotions that 5th graders are not necessarily equipped to deal with.

I never understood those programs. It’s like let’s teach kids about racial equality by having them oggle at poor kids like they’re in a zoo.

That sounds good. The only thing my high school did was bus us to an inner city school for a day to “see how privileged we are”.

As a teacher, I get what the intent (probably) was, but this is not the best way to approach this idea or lesson. One of the most powerful moments I’ve had as a teacher was basically moderating a discussion of racism, deaths like that of Trayvon Martin, and violence against POC in my seventh grade classroom. I was

You shut it down by saying it is absolutely and inexcusably wrong with no exceptions and punishing any instance of it to the fullest extent of the law. You don’t ask 5th graders to do a thought experiment.

The problem isn’t in “indoctrination”, as I see it. It’s in “normalization”. Particularly when we consider that the problems within our culture that created the KKK haven’t gone away (nor has the actual KKK).

Kerri Roberts, a 5th grade teachers at Oak Pointe Elementary School, has been put on leave after giving students a homework assignment that asked, “You are there...You are a member of the KKK. Why do you think your treatment of African-Americans is justified?”

Someone needs to create a cirriculum for teaching kids about racism and donate it to schools for free. I don’t understand why we’re letting underpaid people who have likely never studied this stuff teach kids lessons on it.