
I’ve already posted on Facebook reminding everyone to look directly into the sun today.

My coffee table book is “How to Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety” and it cost less than $10 on Amazon. I think my book is better.

If it sold out already then they weren’t wrong..

The end of “Formation” always makes me laugh: “Always stay gracious, get revenge with your paper.”

“looses his mojo” is classic. Only a racist would be so dumb to use an African word to refer to another Racist. What idiots.

Alas, probably not going to change much:

He’ll still be whispering in his ear in an unofficial capacity.

I am happy he got sacked but I doubt this will change anything. If we’ve learned anything in the last week, it’s that Bannon did not affect Trump’s policies or beliefs. Trump is just as much a white supremacist as Bannon.

I see Bannon as fomenting more “chaos” so that the future clashes and issues and call to do something lay at Trump’s feet. It really seems like the best policy... for Bannon. Get those Nazis and Klan all riled up, encourage them to hit the streets, etc. Force Trump (and the GOP) to either do something or face the

I do fear this is cover for ‘see we fired a racist! we’re not racist! Just ignore all the other racists in the administration’. But I’m going to enjoy the schadenfreude for now. Wonder how long the stink of stale gin and white supremacist BO will take to wash out.

there’s still time!

My (overvalued) $.02:

This is window dressing, a meaningless gesture to appease ‘traditional Conservative Republicans’ and the Generals.

Bannon will say he will continue to support the Circus Peanut’s agenda, early Redditors/Breitfarters will be mad initially but briefly, and the bullshit will continue.

There’s Greek white supremacists. Spanish ones, too. And Italians.

Yes, exactly. These racists need to be challenged by the actual physical presence of people that loudly oppose their degenerate views. Saying we can just ignore Nazis, even in the form of a joke, is ridiculous and stupid. Inaction gives them more power. Inaction allows them to wrongly think that a larger portion of

I already commented but I like this interpretation. If we spent as much time organizing politically as we do dissecting the intentions of liberal comedians, we might actually have a chance at changing things.

Her comedy is so on point sometimes. But watching I couldn’t help thinking:

Yelling slogans at people is a bad way to change their minds. But showing up at neo-Nazi rallies is not about changing the minds of neo-Nazis, it’s about showing them that this is not their country, and that people are willing to stand up to them. I don’t think anyone who’s encountered a member of the far right (on

So am I a horrible person if I laughed at “Who drove the car into the crowd? Hillary’s emails?” Because I did laugh. Because that was funny.

Ugh, Tina Fey...she can be funny, but she sure does double down on the whitepeopleing.

What confuses me is like does the GOP think we can’t see them? Every day of silence, every act of complicity, every tutted speech followed by party line voting will be an explicit endorsement of this President and his nazi views. They do realize we can see them right, they’re not invisible anymore, we keep track of