
I witnessed a man who said he loved me and my mother, beat her on a regular basis.

In retrospect, I am forever-grateful for being raised around Black women, who can be best described as “hard-assed with piss and vinegar running through their veins”. The type of women that you’ve only seen glimpses of in comic books and Alice Walker novels. The type that you would think that would be found standing

That’s some bullshit and bad research. Why wouldn’t they consult her? I hope she wins quickly and spends it all in glorious excess.

Uno, dos-ee-ay-say Said east, west,

YES! I came here to post this. Absolutely loved that segment.

I generally have the worst memory but I distinctly remember watching Sesame Street as a kid and they had a feature where a bunch of girls were playing double dutch and singing. I just remember my eyes lit up and I thought they were so freakin cool. That’s awesome it’s being brought back to Lincoln Center.

IMO, Tamra was doing tough love right. If you’re going to constantly complain about wanting to lose weight, it makes sense for a friend to suggest eating healthier (albeit FAR less enjoyable) foods and cutting out alcohol.

Jack: [referring to Jenna’s weight gain] She needs to lose 30 pounds or gain 60. Anything in between has no place in television.

A boy’s camping club with a long and pretty nasty history of discrimination against women, gay people, and unbelievers seems like a hate group?

If he does vote no, it truly makes no sense because it will fuck Arizona. The medical field is booming and bringing good jobs and stimulating the economy.

There is NEVER enough Prince Rogers Nelson.

I like to say he’s gone from an honorable ex-POW to a hateful POS.

One of my uncles was a police officer. About a year before he was planning to retire he was diagnosed with a minor heart condition. Under the rules established by his union diagnosis of any kind of heart condition is an automatic disability retirement. (Obviously, they don’t want to deal with the liability issues of

I’m pretty certain someone out there in America has a brain tumor without free healthcare and a huge amount of debt but his party thinks that guy dying is totally ok. So Fuck McCain and his sociopathic party!!

Fuck John McCain.

There was quite a bit of press that he was the yes vote that they needed, if he actually doesn’t support the bill he could be coming back to vote no and make sure to kill that narrative (for his legacy, since I’d be shocked if he runs again, he doesn’t really have anything to lose by finally finding his spine).

It’s nice that he’s going the extra mile to fuck a bunch of people over.

He could have voted no by staying home. He’s coming back to vote yes.

But perhaps McCain’s illness will encourage some rigorous self-reflection, and at last, a change of heart. Perhaps he’ll realize that in his last years, he could take a meaningful stand against his increasingly brutal party—and help to save lives in the process.

Senator McCain, now is your time to shine.