Smedley also mentions going after the hacker’s parents, and in the same tweet calls the hacker a dirtbag. Going after his parents seems like a real dirtbag move to me. How did they contribute to this crime in anyway?
Smedley also mentions going after the hacker’s parents, and in the same tweet calls the hacker a dirtbag. Going after his parents seems like a real dirtbag move to me. How did they contribute to this crime in anyway?
I’m torn over this. I don’t blame the guy for being angry, but at the same time his level of rage after all this time seems inappropriate when directed at a 17 year old kid.
“...he’s earning $5,569.41 per month through Patreon donations.”
Software that contains visual art, storytelling, music, acting. All arts woven together yet no... video games aren’t art. Ok bro.
I think you mean appalled, bro.
You'd be appealed? Interesting...
As someone who’s... well, not a fan of his, I can say that some of it has to do with his persona. The whole talking (shouting) with a goofy voice and trying to make jokes (no matter how terrible they are) out of anything and everything is just too fake. Part of it is also that he’s not very good at what he plays.…
12 year old kids*
To whom would you appeal to?
Capitalizing a wrongly-used word is not a very good idea.
I’m confused. People would appeal to you to pay him more?
You would write an appeal? To whom? To YouTube/Google?
You’d be appealed? what?
12 year old boys and girls*
“[Money], I just feel like it’s not important.”
Two more additions include the “Ballad Heroes” Gwent card set which... I’ll be honest, I don’t play Gwent and haven’t checked them out. If you’re into Gwent, however, I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear there are some new cards. The elite crossbows are available at a few different vendors across the game, but none of…
no wonder games are such artistic masterpieces with such a high brow audience
idk, i’d rather they end on a high note than decide to try to do something and have it be underwhelming
If they do anything in-universe, i’d kinda rather it be something like ghost—something other than an RTS
Sadly they lost me after the original SC. They took FAR too long to develope part 2, and I was jsut no longer interesed.
another solution: just learn the damn language