
Try reporting it. Really, try. If you don’t get laughed out of the (fill_in_authority) then just go try and talk about it with services. God knows you better not bother the local survivors group with it. They’re going to assume you’re a lying guy trying to X, Y, or Z.

The term “sexual assault,” however, carries a gravity approaching that of “rape.” That similar gravity is often exploited to increase the apparent seriousness of the incident, the apparent trauma to the victim, and apparent monstrosity of the man. (See the Prince Shembo incident.)

Should we not have a threshold, though? Given that some proportion of sexual assaults are seriously fucked up, it seems problematic to lower the bar to nearly nothing. From the article: “Any intentional sexual touching, however slight, with any object without a person’s consent ...” The bar for an encounter being

Rape is included in sexual assault, but is not the same thing. Nobody here is saying that men are not sexually assaulted, or that it’s not a big deal when this happens to them. Someone who attempts to force themselves on a person—such as what happened to you— and fails will probably try again and succeed. That’s why

“The incident happened my junior year at Columbia, when Paul followed me upstairs at a party, came into a room with me uninvited, closed the door behind us, and grabbed me. I politely said, “Hey, no, come on, let’s go back downstairs.” He didn’t listen. He held me close to him as I said no, and continued to pull me

Yeah, even my Jerkass Warden who picked every mean/horrible choice in the game, who drove away or killed every companion that could be driven off it killed, still had a four person party. Granted, it was him, Dog, Oghren (who was apparently too drunk to care enough to leave), and a conscripted Loghain. That was

Now playing

So it’s like Road & Track: Need for Speed? Cross country racing. No world map. No tracks being connected. Just different themed tracks you choose like Nevada, NYC, Chicago? You know old school Arcade like, before everything in racing games become world maps and ruined them.

Have you noticed EA taking numbers out of their games? Like they say OH THEY’RE COMPLETELY NEW, so people won’t try the older ones first:

Star Wars Battlefront
Need for Speed Most Wanted 2 (After a while, removed the 2)
Need for Speed
Syndicate (Though justifiable, since the original was so old)

This one is not mine, but I was sitting with my friend when it happened. We were taking turns playing Ocarina of Time and we were going after Biggoron’s Sword. So we get to the last parts which is like four in a row of timed running around the map. We had forgotten to put in the magic beans on the mountain, so we had

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I bet no one here will top this kid’s rage:

Team Fortress 2. Shortly after the demoman update.

My worst rage quit was playing the first Pokemon Stadium. I don’t remember which fight it was but the person specialized in using confusion causing attacks like supersonic or confuse ray. My whole team wiped because they kept getting confused and only hit themselves. This happened for about an hour. Threw the

I gave my 8 year old nephew Kinect Star Wars for Christmas the year it came out. He got so frustrated with the controls after about 30 minutes of it that he started crying and yelled “This game is stupid and this is the worst Christmas ever!”. He hasn’t played it again to this day. Not really a rage quit but I still

I'm sure to you this meme was the most important meme of your life.... but you see to Capcom it was a Tuesday.

Because it would be many times worse if English was missing.

Learn English, problem solved.

True, you can VPN all day to get around those restrictions, but why in 2015 are people having to do that? One of the core reasons pirating has stayed popular over the years isn’t because something is free, but because sometimes it’s the only way to obtain something you want.

I feel so bad for him. He has so much he wants to give to the world and the world seems determined to stop him from working.

I’m not really the hugest fan of this new paradigm of judging an entire film based on a poster, or a still, or a production still. Everything on the Internet is either “BEST EVAR!!!11” or “worst episode ever” and this type of quick reaction with little substance isn’t really doing much to improve discourse.

...but when did we just give crying kids everything they wanted?