
This sounds quite different. With chess and go, chess and go experts were saying “we can’t be beaten by a computer”. In this case they are saying “we have proven that a computer can’t choose a perfect move in some scenarios”.

It’s going to be Spider-Man / batman Arkham style combat... rhythm based, you know it is... which is fine in my book.

There seems a simple solution to monetisation- have normal chests you can open, with a small chance of a special item, then special chests with guaranteed specials behind the wall.

Of or cities, of our ciiiiiiiiiiitiiies.

Because if you don’t have those spikes it can be harder to get into a game - which, if you’re playing said game, is kind of the point. It says this, and all the other answers, pretty clearly in the article.

What blows my mind about the comments here is that people are defending threatening violence, and personal abuse. There is literally no situation where that behaviour is the solution to a problem - or morally justifiable.

As - poor thing... you don’t like your little game? I guess next time you should read the 1000s of article describing it before you buy. Oh well. Maybe just take it out of an employee of the company who developed it.

Do you research your car, mortgage, holiday before investing to make sure you get a good deal?

Would you buy that burger if - before buying it - there were hundreds of publications telling you the burger was incomplete or not that good? If you then bought it - after being fully prepared for it to be shit, would you then take it out on the person working behind the counter by insulting them? Or threatening than?

5) don’t threaten, intimidate or insult complete strangers.

So you think developers should be personally insulted, even threatened or a harassed. Because that’s what we’re talking about here. There’s a huge difference between “I’m disappointed and actually a bit annoyed, why is this game not better” and “fuck you and die asshole, you stole my money.”

Profiling dude. Don’t hire a guy because he looks like the sort of person who might do a crime is a rocky road. Not hiring a guy who has admitted to doing said legal thing is a different matter.

I’m guessing the bubbles movie is off now?

But has anyone found gavin?

Just to one point of order - dota 2 is very polished and nothing like a beta game, and hasn’t been for years. As you were.

Even if he decided he needed a new car, he could get one for $15k - a Kia for example. Respectable. 7 year warranty. A two year old one would probably be about 1/3rd less and still have a warranty.. He just blew his money on something flasher than he needed.

[quote]To clarify, I when I said you didn’t “get” the ending, I meant it as in the definition of “obtaining”, not “understanding”.[/quote]

Because god help anyone who really liked something you didn’t, eh.

It sounds to me like they got themselves into plenty of situations that would normally be considered dates. Like, if he said “would you like to catch a movie and dinner with me” the answer might be, “sure, what shall we see this time?”.

Yeah fair enough. I get a bit bored with chit chat if it doesn’t affect the game. For me, writing in video games is rarely good enough to be compelling in its own right. Bioshock excluded.