@dracosummoner: phew -I thought I was alone! Agree with both of you - the game was more fun (apart from the wierdly compulsive mining) - lets hope ME3 blows us all away.
@dracosummoner: phew -I thought I was alone! Agree with both of you - the game was more fun (apart from the wierdly compulsive mining) - lets hope ME3 blows us all away.
the following comment is not intended to flame, merely as an opinion
@PunkyChipsAhoy: good for a VG movie - but pretty average for an action blockbuster.
I used to enjoy the first assassins creed, where you co whille people talked to you - I'd kind of act with my character, walking away whe I was annoyed, and fronting up when angry. Pointless, but strangely compelling.
Seems a bit wierd - epople cheering at him fragging some people...
Just a thought about natal, er kinect...
Wow, that is the worst webpage I've seen in a long time! DOB didn;t work - took ages to load, had to sit through the whole intro again when I reloaded to see if DOB would work - and couldn't turn the sound off, which was a bummer as the music at my work comes through my computer - so everyone had to sit in silence for…
those trousers are silly silly.
@bigbosspjb: If you hate reviewers and opinions so much - why don't you go and read another blog?
@rpm285sm: As I said, I think Splash Damages reasoning is fine - I've got no problem with them or their design rationale, and I do agree with some of the things you are (very eloquently) saying - but as you said, "There's no such thing as gender equality in a video game."
@BigManMalone: I really don't see how sex object females are a good thing - engendering inherent sexism by portraying women as two dimensional characters is an idea from the dark ages. that's not to say female characters shouldn't be sexy (tomb raider, mirrors edge) just not ignorant bints in their knickers (DOA,…
@rpm285sm: There's nothing inflammatory about implying that gender equality should be a given.
@jcb231: maybe if someone died?
I kinda think this might work as a futuristic Rainbow 6 - especially if they can keep in the whole base/rapid response element from the original somehow.
I think I'll buy my avater a giant ear cleaning stick instead - hold on, that is also a complete waste of time.
I'd pay 160 Ms points to give the game a meaningful or suitably lengthy climax, rather than the 45 minutes of anticlimactic dissapointment that shipped in the box.
@KaneRobot: PS3 managed it! I'm willing to bet that if xbox had supported HDDVD properly (ie had an onboard drive) it wouldn't be a dead format now.
Surely this is going to encourage pirating - as the cracked version (and they will crack it) will be a better gaming experience than the original.