I actually think Carson is far worse than Trump. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is blowhard racist, but the crazy crap that have been coming out of Carson’s mouth (and book) are just... wow.
I actually think Carson is far worse than Trump. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is blowhard racist, but the crazy crap that have been coming out of Carson’s mouth (and book) are just... wow.
Just remember: While the Japanese and the European rewards will be in the form toys, stickers, handbags, and the occasional digital download; the American version of the rewards will always be digital downloads of something you already bought.
so, in other words, you have seen zero about the VR front on PC and are completely ignorant. tin foil anyone?
i predict you will be very surprized in a couple of years
you are glad you kept them because it's being release on the ps4?
Short answer: he doesn't.
Thank god I'm not the only here who realized the same thing. Nintendo gets away with a lot of shit that Sony & MS wouldn't be able to.
The whole thing about needing to upgrade to play certain games is awful, and I feel that if Sony or MS tried to pull the same thing there would be hell to pay.
This is really, really, really shit. Bad move, Nintendo.
Seriously? They're making a new 3DS that can only play specific games, effectively fucking old 3DS owners? I hope this game is an exception and not a rule.
The game will be utilizing the freshly announced 3DS model's upgraded hardware, which means it will not be playable on current 3DS consoles.
Infamous: Second Son has easily been the most disappointing game this gen so far in my opinion.
If Hello Kitty isn't a cat, she'd be a horribly deformed, hairy little albino girl.
98% of the shit this bitch saying is cherry picked look at the watch dogs part women in the game will face demostic violence cause more women face it in real life what she want a woman to beat for being a drug dealer cant believe kotaku promoting this retard
I think you made an assumption of your own about his statement. I dont see anywhere in his post about segregation... Women have their own rallies, boutiques, stores, product lines and companies that produce things specifically and only for women, etc all over the place, would you call that marketing segregation too…
The thing with Skyward Sword is the low resolution was key for the art style to work. As you moved further away from things, they would merge with the background and everything would look like an oil painting; it's really nice looking when it works! The problem is that means Skyward Sword looks ugly as hell when…
Yeah for me it was blurry and had a weird "looking through a screen door" effect going on like there was a faint grid over the image. Did not look good at all.
The art style is great, but personally to me, it looks a bit smudged
Skyward Sword is kinda ugly in my opinion, even for Wii standards. (The Mario Galaxy games look really good, for example.) But it doesn't matter. Gameplay is king and the control scheme in Skyward Sword is amazing.
Yeah that game looked really bad on HDTV. Everything was just slightly blurry.