Nor inappropriate. Also, you're not any more of an authority than I am on what is or is not appropriate.
Nor inappropriate. Also, you're not any more of an authority than I am on what is or is not appropriate.
I personally won't go for it. Slight improvements to textures, 1080p and anti aliasing isn't enough for me to pay full price for the game again. I played the hell out of it last year, don't need to buy it all over again. If you do that is your prerogative and I won't judge you for it. Just seems overpriced for what is…
I would say the difference with wrestling is how it's presented to minors. As a kid, I (and most everyone I've known) knew games were just games. I could let my imagination run with it, but there was a clear distinction of it not being real. Same thing with movies; I knew Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones and Star Wars…
Hercules check!
With a game like Dark Souls there's a huge amount of content, multiplayer. Game's probably at least 40 hours long if it's your first entry in the Souls series. MGS:GZ is just... You run from point A to B, grab a hostage, take him to extraction point. I have 0 interest in playing it again.
Hope the oculus is a major flop. I want it to fail big time and become something as obsolete as this.
They have money for PewDiePie, but no money for StarWars 1313
So, we are not adults around here now? We are catering to the sensitive and easily offended by censoring some slight and barely noticeable nudity? Don't cater to the lowest common denominators, Kotaku. This site is supposed to be for adults, and we should be able to view its content without having to feel "protected".…
I'm pretty sure you're taking this way too personally. You can own a Wii U. Nobody will judge you.
Language doesn't work the way you think it does. If you ask me "Where are you going on vacation?" I might reply as follows: "I'm going to the UK and to Spain. Unfortunately I am not going to any countries in Asia."
If you then raged on me for saying France was in Asia, you would obviously be a crazy person.
Why the fuck is everyone so worried about what theyre going to look like when theyre 60? Youre going to look old and wrinkly.
You changed your avatar :(.
She is a hot, tough as nails, cool as Vodka, obviously capable, intelligent cop-woman, with eyes that are slightly bigger than they should be... has nothing to do with feminism, dear, being a lesbian does not mean you are automatically a feminist, quite to the contrary. If it was a hot dude, tough as nails, muscular…
Will someone tell me why this game is so appealing? People strongly disliked Mirror's Edge. People are getting noticeably uninterested in Call of Duty, and I suspect other "death match first, story later" games are on the way out of the public eye. And mech games are largely ignored.
Anxiously awaiting midnight.
What, are you mad that your brand-new $500 purchase can't render a game better than my 4 year old PC? Hell, I could upgrade right now for $300-400 and lob a new graphics card in there, and I'll be right up there at ultra for another long, long time.
Maybe this will get some people to realize how and why consoles hold back gaming so badly.
And yet, here you are, on a gaming blog dedicated to the fruits of their efforts, criticizing them for bringing you the entertainment you presumably care enough about that you're here in the first place.
That's pretty rough... by no marketable skills do you mean they pursued what they loved instead of something practical?