
Seeing as there's 4 Etrian Odyssey games, and a re release of the original, you really let it slip by...

I played the UFC demo well over 2 hours. Does that mean it has a lot of content? No it doesnt...I just enjoy the game....

Please give us custom themes back. PLEASE.

Servers dont cost thousands of dollars a month. Allowing people to give you $500 for some perks is the very definition of P2W.

Sounds about right, and ill do my part in posting every one of those on this idiots articles every time.

Not what I've heard. There are youtube videos of being a douche bag to people in-person. Look em up if you want to.

Maybe, but they said unpacking the files increased performance...

Holding off on pre-ordering that Halo collection. Really hope they announce some kind of Collectors Edition. A game like that needs a steelbook at least.

Good. They don't owe you an explanation. If I was him and saw all the recent articles on Kotaku, I'd have some choice words for you guys....

Tell that to the people who make video games. The hardware is great, but I need something to use it with... Right now it just sits in a pile of dust behind my tv....

I only had a 360 and PC last gen. After I got the PS4 and PS+, I saw a bunch of games I missed out on from PS3, so I went out and bought one. Most played console atm.

Yep. When games have to start being politically correct, I'm out.

I do that too. It's socially unacceptable to be a white male in today's society.

You sure about that?

You have to realize this isn't open to the general, thinking impaired public.

yep there's a hidden agenda going on.

All or nothing is their approach here. They dont want to half ass it.

If you can turn the lights off, it'd be cool as a clear controller.

Couldn't care less about the MP portion, but I love Crackdown

Good thing its working here. Twitch is buffering like a mad man.