Does Nintendo have a reason for ignoring the North American market?
Does Nintendo have a reason for ignoring the North American market?
Curious, how far did you get? In my ten hours of play, I got 2 badges. Wasn't rushing, but I didn't stop and talk to everyone, something I'll go back and do later.
There should be a fourth poll.
"not everyone can be ambidextrous"
GTA V, Beyond: two souls, and Pokemon Y...
Picked Y only because I dont want a black charizard
I was born in 1990. This is spot on for me.
I LOVE the races. Most fun I've ever had racing cars in video games, and im a pretty hardcore Forza player. The chaos of it, and watching people crash and fly off the road is just too funny. Its great to be in the back, watch a 10 car pileup happen in front of you, then squeeze by it all and take the victory......
Why cant i see my avatar icon from the home page anymore? I dont want some blue square with a persons figure in it.
This is just a publicity stunt.. And it clearly worked.
"This type of thing"....?
Give him a break, its not like can estimate the number of people in America... We just dont have the technology to do something like that..
Oh....You're serious?
I disagree... With all of it.
It does say "We ask" not "We require"
All i know is, with the new Pokemon Origins show, and Pokemon Y coming out, Im suddenly into pokemon again....
Do any of those devices have a camera that captures EVERYTHING in my living room?
Thats a bag of leaf.
Its begging to be lit on fire.