
lolz, Dreamcast > Wii U

I've stopped at least once per mission to listen to random conversations between people. Genuinely funny. Voice acting is great too.

Riight, because it never happens in a real club.....

I'm so tired of sexism articles in gaming news. I cant be the only one who doesn't give 2 sh*ts.

Never understood why they stand outside for so long on these. I got there at midnight, and was out the door by 12:30am. Much better than standing for hours.

His Monday morning is our Friday afternoon. Then it's his weekend. lol

Meh. For a game to really scare me, it needs to be based more in reality. I'm referring to full control of your avatar, being able to do anything you can do in real life. Survive by any means, or hide and wait it out. Not one or the other. Like gameplay closer to Condemned for the 360(ps3?) That game scared me more

I went from disgust/denial about not getting a PC release, to pre ordering and taking the day off.... : / ... Yeah... it looks pretty good....

Something you have to decide. How bad do you want it? Are you patient?

You know, I wasn't going to take tomorrow off... But after all these reviews, I think my throat's starting to hurt...

They shouldn't.... because the Wii U is more comparable to....last gen?

As someone who wishes the third game never existed, I'd say you should try #4. Feels like a mix of Crackdown and Saints Row 2.

I think you meant to say worst 50...

The TV is $900 :(

Comparison to Just Cause 2 map?

Guitar Hero?

Commercial so fake, it hurts to watch....

I really hope they aren't that stupid....

Hopefully he sticks sticks to his ideas.Let people design a game as they want. It's a strange time in gaming when the current level of violence is applauded, but showing some skin and having a unique character model is "disgusting".

Clearly he's recharging it.