X to drive!
X to drive!
I feel bad for your kids...
Yes sir , I agree!
My biggest complaint is the rather large Kinect sensor. I doubt I'll want to put that in front of my TV when the time comes..
I seem to be lacking a jetpack, or the funds to fly my own plane...
The new names sound like the names of Pokemon...
lol. When I saw that video, it instantly reminded me of this.
Alpha Protocol.
I hope the snitch gets [REMOVED DUE TO FEAR OF JAIL-TIME AND PRISON RAPE] and well see how he/she feels afterwards....
I agree. LOL'ed at the "talk at schools" idea though.. Probably not something they'll decide on given his recent posting on Facebook....
You're an idiot.
Also one of my favorites.
Kotaku needs a downvote button for this comment..
To add to me other comment, SR3 was still a fun game overall, but it was disappointing in so many ways. If you have the time, I still recommend playing all of then order, but its not required to enjoy the 4th game.
The third game is a shell of the SR series. It uses recycled side missions for the first half of the story campaign, and has less content overall... Not to mention they kill off the last interesting character of the series, IMO.
Thought the EXACT thing after this article.
Lucid is one of the better brands available in most liquor stores around the US
"as Marlene said, Ellie would have still wanted to give humanity a chance for a cure."
This guy is so annoying...