
Depending on your definition of a major aspect of the city that required reconstruction,” this might not be quite the last. Work is still continuing on building the replacement for the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.

I’ve been waiting for this since the 50s, when I fell in love with the ships on “Rocky Jones, Space Ranger” that landed this way.

The canonical example is the Singer Building in lower Manhattan. It was the world’s tallest (612 ft.) when it was completed in 1908 and it was demolished in 1968. It long held the record as the tallest building ever taken down by its owners, and may still for all I know. (Wikipedia says yes.)

I wish people wouldn’t keep mentioning “Moon” in company with those other films. It had good intentions, but was so full of logical holes it mostly failed to meet them. It’s popularity, even among people who usually harp on such flaws, baffles me.


Pegg is entitled to his opinion, but as fan and professional who has been observing the genre-cultural matrix since before he was born, I have to disagree. If anything, he has it backward.

Thanks so much for posting that. I hadn’t seen it before — do you know where Lewis said it? — and it’s the perfect reply from an ideal source. I’ve just quoted it on Facebook in relation to a discussion of “Mad Men” and the evolving meaning of adulthood, where it’s just as relevant.

Sure, go ahead and boycott them. I'm sure all their many Israeli Arab employees will thank you for destroying their jobs if you are successful.

I couldn't agree more.

"…that's how long it takes to plan a fake airborne toxic event in a city of almost two million."

Very misleading headline!

It's surprising and disappointing that so many of these suggestions are poorly rated and/or reviewed on the App Store by existing users.

AppZapp is a very good alternative.

I can see the demographic logic of a soccer stadium in Queens, but as a lifelong resident of the neighborhood, I can tell you that Flushing Meadows-Corona Park is very heavily used and can't afford to lose acreage. The promise of make-up land elsewhere is nice, but there's nothing suitable nearby, certainly not within

In phase one of his career, at Apple, and in phase two, at Next, Steve Jobs built automated automated production lines that were at, or maybe past, the leading edge of what was practical at those times.

These could be great, IF they can be mass-produced cheaply enough.

Just to be clear, these are used by the folks who work on the right of way (i.e., the tracks, signals, third-rail, etc.), not the train operators.

Thanks for the provocative article. There are some minor scratches — a few too many worshipful invocations of Dieter Rams — but it doesn't break when dropped.

Actually, that's Ray Bradbury at the far _right_ end of the back row.