
"After a while, they left me alone," he said. "But it was always that elephant in the room."

she was too drunk/high to give consent

Reading about this guy's behavior always makes me Grimace.

Unfortunately, that list includes one measly player.

Gray Hedgecock, or as his friends call him, Big Ben.

That's the last time Kohnke surrounds himself with the entire Bears defense.

In SF as they were declaring us protestors a "public safety hazard" and threatening us with force some bro was basically dragging his lifeless santacon attending friend past us. That dude needed a hospital for sure, the protestors called the cops attention to them, and the cops basically shrugged and continued forcing

I have a confession to make.

On our way home from the march, my friend remarked: 'I didn't see one person from SantaCon who I would like to get to know, not even a little bit.'

SantaCon - taking the worst parts of Halloween and moving it to December.

Fuck those fucking santacon assholes. Seriously. EVERY YEAR they are the absolute worst. It's a stupid fucking tradition where drunk bro's + bro-esses make a fool of themselves, vomit on the streets and fuck up the MTA. GET OFF MY LAWN.

"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."

I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.

The celebrity 2 on 2 basketball tournament continued on through the scorching hot San Jose summer afternoon. The finals had arrived and in one corner stood the most unlikely duo.... Kobe Bryant and Andrew Luck.

Finding his opinions and behavior simplistic and moronic is not the same as suggesting that he should be silenced and have his constitutional rights taken away, you twit.