
I am a Native American that grew up in small town America, and have fielded more than my share of racism over my years, and I found Jackie’s arc incredibly refreshing, mainly because I related to it so well.

An entirely reasonable comparison that any reasonable person would draw.

I’d prefer a bloodied sheet hanging out the window, thanks.

Well said, but I disagree, vehemently. Letting small stuff go is often, almost always, good. If you had a hard day and bark at your spouse for petty bullshit, and she barks back, and you need up in a serious conflagration that could have ben worked out better, later, when you were each in a better mood, why force it?

My boyfriend game adjacent, would be the best term? He’s aware, and likes some games, but not nearly as “into” them in the way I am.

I don’t know if we have any exciting stories per-say, but I have kind of a sweet one: we were both playing Animal Crossing, and I invited him over to my town. We’re playing

And look at this asshole, dressing black face and rubbing in the fact he’s rich. people these days man.

she is practically perfect in every way, just like Mary Poppins

I would say it “evokes” rape, not “invokes.”

50 DKP plus for working Dworkin into it.

You’re only dismissing her, though, because she didn’t say something that fits with the narrative you believe happened. You’ve set up a situation where, by definition, someone’s testimony is only credible if they’re supporting your view — which is hardly the way to get at the truth of anything.

If your criteria is “thirst quenching” and “flavorless,” why not just drink water?

Can we talk about how boringly predictable Jezebel is when it comes to famous (white) women? Their formula seems to be: build them up, fangirl like crayz and kiss their asses, only to tear them down and start the backlash the minute they get too famous and the comment section starts calling them ‘white feminists’.

God damn it I hate the internet sometimes

45% of the company is non-white. It’s just not the right kind of non-white.

Whoa! Holy shit you scared the fuck out of me, dude! I read your comment and thought “Dinosaurs and Jesus on a stick, I’ve teleported back in time to the 90’s!” Then I did a reality check and realized I was on my smartphone with that new fangled Wi-Fi that connects to the internet without a dial tone. I came to the

Bonus GIF

This is the longest “WAHHHHHHHHHH” I’ve ever read.

They get their tacos from McDonald’s. It’s called a got-damned hamburger, because I’ll be go-to-hell if my pappy fought on D-Day just so’s that a buncha got-damned illegals could come over here with their spicy foods and weird squigglies over their letters.