
Marth whiffs on the Piranha Plant in a similar way in the first tweet video in the article.

The fact that the gen 2 starters aren’t the bottom 3 Pokemon is the worst part of this whole poll.

Individual movements or dance steps by themselves are not copyrightable, such as the basic waltz step, the hustle step, the grapevine, or the second position in classical ballet. The U.S. Copyright Office cannot register short dance routines consisting of only a few movements or steps with minor linear or spatial

You can definitely copyright a whole dance routine, though copyright law saws you can’t copyright a dance move or a dance made of a few dance moves. It will be interesting to see what the courts determine the threshold for that is.

Maybe it’s like the real world where every county has enough firepower to instantly level cities, including ones lead by 72 year old children with poor impulse control, but the threat of mutually assured destruction restrains everyone.

AKA Amazing.

The major villain in the series wasn’t a romantic partner of the old mentor though, so that doesn’t matter.

That only accounts for 2 of the 9 ways you can swing your sword in the game.

Mr. Resetti only yells at you if you quit without saving, not if you haven’t played in a long time.

Sure, I won’t be able to get a bigger house if I don’t pay Nook all this money, but do I actually need a bigger house? Do I need more stuff?

Gone to the Bear skin rug in the sky.

Make Hyrule Warriors Canon, make it converge all the timelines, BotW then follows from Hyrule Warriors.

65 million monthly active users.

Neopets can’t actually die. They just get to dying hunger and then nothing happens.

In practice, the effects of term limits are the exact opposite of your goals. Term limits increase the power and effect of lobbyists and makes the executive branch stronger.

Diablo 2 had Grey, White, blue, Yellow for it’s randomly generated gear, Gold for Uniques, and green for set items. Has the basic system, but a lot of the colors are wrong.

WoW has the same color scheme (With White between grey and green as well) and came out 5 years before Borderlands.

Alternative take: Pigouvian taxes are good.

The Incredible Hulk post credit scene is Stark talking to Ross in a bar about something I don’t remember.

Wakanda is literally on maps and has UN representation in universe. People know exactly where Wakanda is, they just think it’s a backwater, isolationist African farming state instead of one of the most prosperous countries on earth.