
Dear lady, Your family must be so proud.

Rally racing at night scares me.

Something tells me he got a concussion from the fall. He should feel lucky...some don't wear helmets, and get hurt worse.

Holden with grow even stronger after being bought by Toyota. They'll enter the global market, and there V8 will CRUSH the Chevrolet's and Ford's, and then it will enter the WTCC and Dominate there too. Then they will create an F1 team, a NASCAR team, and create the Holden V8 Utes World Championship, where every car

I like that first video (The different angle) better

Put a wing on it, and it MIGHT look like a Ferrari F40 crossed with a Daytona DP

Forgot 2

I'll leave this here...

You buy for $2B, use the remaining $4B to pay for players, equipment, choaches, etc.

Satan Santa? I smell Box Office HIT!

I'd like to see DiCaprio race. With some of the chosen and hyped locations for circuits, this series could use a little star power to get off the ground.

Poor Molly. At least she won Ms. Nanook of the North 2013.

So Senna's Team mate? I guess this proves being the #2 driver isn't a bad gig in instances like these.

This was a great read. Just asking, but who was named the winner? Since Prost was DQ'd, who got the trophy?

First, its BB Gun Vandalism, next, it's Convenience and Home Robberies, then it's murder. Where and when will it all end?!

God dammit...tagged the wrong groups...

Alabama fans are assholes.

They would have still nullified the touchdown. This is a man's game! You don't get rewarded a touchdown simply for DYING. Just like some GLORY CORPSE to go asking for a handout! Remember: Even if a player clearly died on the field, the NFL would never announce it right away. They would cart him off, have paramedics

New Jersey isn't the best, but we aren't the worst! Good job Jersey! STD-Free Blowjobs in AC for everyone! But bring a condom, just to be safe. And its pay your own way. The girls are STD Free, the blow jobs cost money.

You know what? I like this. I want my kid to have fun at the game. I want my wife not to be ashamed to be associated with me. I want to enjoy the game.