Jon W.


They have sneaky business practices but they do provide very shockingly positive results.

It's amazing how many palaces in Europe have rooms exactly like that. It's beautifully rendered enough to feel like a weirdly sterile version of one of them.

I can see the headline now:

What kind of MONSTER eats pizza like this and throws the rest out?

If she was a boy it wouldn't be as high? Does the gender really matter that much given the whole point of the game is hacking the world? Why are people so hung up on gender?

I dunno, maybe in terms of style - but the plot is blatantly an adaptation of Stevenson's "Treasure Island". It'd be interesting to see if Skies of Arcadia used the same timeless tale as their own inspiration.

Okay no, can we not do this... At the point that your acronym involves characters other than letters, you are being too inclusive.

I found the tumblr social justice warrior.

And before you start attacking me for being a cis straight white male scum, who's never been opressed, I'm a Transgirl. I just don't fucking CARE if LGBT people are villains. If she's written well, who the fuck cares? It's one more well written character in a medium where

a) She's not a lesbian.

Way ahead of you.

But suddenly putting a stop to is until they are more represented in good light is essentially asking for a double standard. Gays/blacks/etc. can't be shown as villains until we have more good gays/blacks, then it's ok? Who is to decide when that point is reached? Does a quota needs to be established for positive and

I think you're missing out on info here. People wanted a proper Mega Man sequel/game. Capcom won't do it. Keiji decided to ask the people for help. It got supported by hundreds and thousands of people. Now development is underway. I'm a turtle.

Now that's what I call "respawn entertainment."

Why isn't that guy wearing proper cold weather gear & gloves?

Personally, I'll withold judgment until we actually have something more to judge than 12 seconds worth of screen time in a trailer. If you want to prejudge it, be my guest.