Jon W.

A good soldier always takes good care of his privates.

So what you're saying is that all these professional sports players who participate in their HOBBIES don't have real jobs? What about artists? Musicians? Singers? Are those not real jobs?

Whats the difference between streaming video games and any other entertainment medium such as radio? The whole point is the entertain watchers just like some radio hosts are there to entertain listeners. As long as you can draw in the numbers I see no real big difference.

My cousin Patricia makes $56000 a year working from home! It's a real job, and it's super easy! Go here to find out more!! [MakeMoCashMonay]

Sorry, but you are not the great judge of all humanity and the cosmos, you have no special right over others or right to tell others how to make a living.

Alternative: Maintain "real" (define please?) job, and stream for money while you play other games. Endless profit.

If you could sit on your ass all day playing video games and talking about stuff, you know damn well you'd do it too if it was good income and liveable. Don't sit there and talk like you have a "real" job and are better than someone because they found a way to make money doing something they like. Some of them

Can you find the cow? It's invisible, so it won't be easy. But believe you me: There's a cow out there. Play Find the Invisible Cow in your browser and test your cow-finding abilities. Also, your patience. (h/t Ian Bogost)

We knew there would be bugs at launch... but come on!

A Sonic game exclusive to Nintendo systems, and a PlayStation played through an Xbox. What a strange year it's been...

Yeah, so someone on GAF posted this plan...

The Great Pumpkin War of 2025. I've been to the future. I've seen the horror and decimation. Seeds and stringy orange bits as far as the eye could see. Jack-O-Lanterns smashed and chunks strewn about everywhere. The streets will run orange with pumpkin juice. The end is nigh. Heed my warning, buy orange camo.

Does it matter? Are you going to be hiding somewhere orange?

Zelda are you okay, when you tell us, that you are okay?

because they are trying to emulate the look from the original Link to the Past?

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Haters That Are Going to Hate.

Learn the secret this mom discovered to power up your zelda game!

Hey, Brink was awesome! Until you left the character and weapon customization screens.