Jon W.

Just a bored smart guy.

Hundreds of people, millions of workers in the US, no way to actually prove that even a single person wasn't hired because specifically of their gender...did you fail math class?

You're doing a fantastic job of countering the stereotype of feminists as emotional and hysterical.

And did those studies take into account how much women work, how often they negotiate for better pay, whether they prioritize their job over their personal life?

Oh, wow, a single anecdotal example where it can't actually be proven that adding "Mr." to the resume actually affected hiring decisions in any way, as opposed to random chance getting him hired!

>I don't know all the circumstances of the employees who have be "proven" to be discriminated against because of gender—

>The statistics of pay are based on literally the same job.

The only person calling them "lazy" for having different priorities is you. But nice straw man, along with acting like Teflon said gender prejudice doesn't exist when they clearly said it does.

According to who?


What...what is this? The Wicker Comrade?

Wow, the Heinz label seems a lot more authoritarian in Cyrillic.

A few seconds after this picture was taken, Mrs. Orlov, to her embarrassment, realized that the doors did not lead to changing rooms.

Crying imminent. And really, why would it not be?

#yolo #sovlife

Fun; you're doing it wrong.

Something something Detroit.

Mommy's little future informant.

Ah, that warm, inviting, Soviet architechture.