Jon W.


And then there were people complaining about From Ashes being Day 1 DLC for ME3...even though it was required for the Collector's Edition anyway. And if they had held it back, people would've still complained.

This is gaming. This is pretty much the only subculture I know of where people complain so regularly about people offering them more stuff.

Why don't these game companies give us more things? They know we want things, but they hold things hostage until we give them money for things. This is completely anti-consumer, and by anti-consumer, I mean they aren't giving us things.

Look at all those people staring. You know your fashion sense is bad when you're the tackiest person in a Goth bar.

That banter makes me feel funny in my stomach.

"Everything for kids after my childhood sucked!"


"Which tooth hurts the most?"

And her boyfriend was a king, hence the little crown, because she's the Royal Consort now. It all makes sense!

Disney Infinity, you say?
One jump

So...she sued after she was hit by the tennis ball, and got enough to buy a crown and a big diamond ring?

Little known fact: Psychic abilities come from exposed, toned abs.

You mean after I point out you keep making claims based on supposition and bad faith, are applying your standards unevenly, keep trying to equate "player character" to "sole protagonist", say points about race and sex you made in detail are suddenly irrelevant to your real point about sexism when proven wrong, and you

>You're attempting, badly, to knock down each particle of an argument in order to ignore the fact that they had a collective form.

>I'm not sure what you mean by "unbacked assertion" - what I said was accurate by definition. When a narrative has a singular protagonist (which every single AC game to date has had, and this one promises to continue that pattern) any other character in that narrative is a secondary character (or lower).

>This is not something that was revealed in 2011, and you are mistaken.

Yeah, it's almost as if they were more interested in kvetching than acknowledging the actual progress that's been made!

>But then all white people are multicultural