Int was your dump stat, I assume.
Int was your dump stat, I assume.
Speaking as someone from the Caribbean, I didn't even know you could have citrus with jerk.
Boy, that's just itching to get meta.
>It's only cool if it has a function
No, I'm fully aware that these costumes would be silly in reality. In fact, I'm trying to break myself of the habit of making my outfits too practical, and thus, kinda boring.The most I can seem to make myself do is have a character wear socks with slippers.
When you said "greatest experiment", I thought you meant "tower defense minigame".
I misremembered what you said. I wasn't lying.
No, but I can make a reasonable guess that a 16 year old kid is more likely to be a better driver than someone with five beers in them, barring a rather high alcohol tolerance.
You do realize that psychological profiling is unreliable for actual professionals with full access to the data about their subjects' lives, much less trying to do it via Internet comments?
>You can't tell me that out of a sober 16 year old who just got their license yesterday and a 50 year old alcoholic cabbie with a million miles under his belt and 4 beers in his system that the kid is the better and safer driver.
Trust me, driving in the Bahamas is worse. Most of my countrymen think that little lever to the left of the steering column is solely used to turn on the headlights. I don't even trust the people who do signal. As for the buses, I noticed that one was hiding a bottle in a brown paper bag once, and my reaction was…
Pushing people down Slippery Slopes?
>DLC that was originally meant to be main game content,
get out
Seriously, what were they thinking?
Natalie Dorner?
Okay, now name a dozen other AAA titles that used it, since the problem is clearly so prevalent.
"The game has changed,Valve users! Behold, Half-Life 3 confiiiirrrmmmeeed!"
Funny. Most of the time I've seen people called MRAs, they're not actually MRAs. Heck, I've recently seen actual murders blamed on someone who even the mainstream news said was an MRA, and there was literally no evidence he was an MRA at all.