I think this is approaching the "Michael Bay likes explosions" or "Call of Duty is jingoistic MURICA nationalism" in terms of cheap shots made for Internet Points. And frankly, Insomniac, I thought you were better than that.
I think this is approaching the "Michael Bay likes explosions" or "Call of Duty is jingoistic MURICA nationalism" in terms of cheap shots made for Internet Points. And frankly, Insomniac, I thought you were better than that.
And the schoolbooks?
Gotta go Crash.
Nope. 0% chance of use indoors.
"Learn"? The biggest problem would be keeping humans away.
I still find it odd that Big Boss has cooler stuff than most people do, what, fifteen, twenty years later? Where were the holograms on Shadow Moses or the Big Shell?
In No Man's Sky you play as...someone. We don't know who that person is or what their motivations are or what their backstory says. And we won't find out. At least not until we get our hands on the game, and even then it's up to the player to discover what they can. "There is a lore to the universe and we adhere to…
IT's a lot easier to take risks when you don't have the livelihood of thousands of people across the world riding on your success.
Thank goodness you provided all that evid-
The white savior who was being used by Citra to solve all her problems without her or her warriors lifting a finger?
Portal, Infamous Second Son, Bastion, The Walking Dead, Borderlands, Mirror's Edge...
>You will never truly understand because you do not live as a minority member
Yeah, us brown people are so emotional, we just can't help ourselves.
Heck, I was teased when I was younger for "sounding white". And I'm not the only black kid in the Western hemisphere to go through that, that's for sure.
>I would rather explain the difference between racism and prejudice so that I can point out that the lived experience of people who are shackled by racism is extremely different from those who experience random moments of prejudice
They're not "confusing" anything. People like Aasera want to believe the only racism that matters is white>non-white. So they limit their definition of the term to what everyone else would call "institutionalized racism", and then stick their fingers in their ears and say everyone else is wrong. That's why he (?)…
>, I simply wanted to let you know that in the context of the United States, racism against white people does not exist.
Point of Order; I don't think Citra is a native any more than Vaas, Jason, or Hoyt. There's a recurring theme in the game's lore of outsiders coming to the island and making things worse for everyone. And she doesn't look Pacific Islander to me, more like black or black-biracial.